Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

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Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Hi there,

I'm relatively new to the cycling world and wondering if I can join the Sunday rides on a hybrid bike?? I've completed a couple 50km rides around the peninsula solo in under 2 hours and recently did the cortofondo in Penticton (55km) in 1:53 (albeit pulled along with some fast groups!).

Hoping to get a proper road bike and <gasp> maybe even spandex everything in the next couple of months, but for now I'm just a t-shirt and shorts dad doing his best and really loving this biking lifestyle!

Okay to join in this Sunday?
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Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Oops, I should add my name is Geoff. :D
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Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by stevierooks »

I showed up to my first few rides on a hybrid. Its all good. Just bring a strong spirit because it will be tougher keeping up sometimes in the less aggressive position of your hybrid. You may also have to bear the looks and comments from the elitists among us. Just bring the spirit :)

Welcome G-off

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Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Thanks for the welcome! I'll come out on Sunday and grin and bear being the hybrid guy! :oops: If the listed speeds are accurate for the Sunday ride (28-30kph) I should be able to mostly keep up and not hold the group back. If faster I can just drop off and try again another Sunday once I upgrade to a road bike. Hoping to get a new mid-range Synapse before the summer is over. Cheers.
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Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by Wighty »

I had a friend do Ironman a couple years ago on a hybrid and crushed it. Sounds like you'll be fine, I would be more worried about the lack of spandex and if your legs aren't shaved j/k

Welcome to the club!
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Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by Fozzy »

Hi Geoff!!

I would also like to point out that Sunday is a no drop ride so you'll be fine.
If it does start to get a bit much, just holler "Steady up" and the group will slow down.
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Thanks Fozzy and Wighty! Looking forward to Sunday even more now!
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Thanks everyone for the great ride today and hope I didn't slow anyone down too much! I will be out for more in the future and hopefully on a proper road bike. I was pretty intimidated when everyone first rolled in this morning, but was pleasantly surprised with the great welcoming and friendliness of all. Also thanks to the many tips and advice received. Much appreciated!

Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:35 pm

Re: Sunday ride - on a hybrid?

Post by waverider »

Proper road bike now purchased! :mrgreen:

Will ride on my own for a few weeks to get used to the different gearing and controls and then back out for some more rides with all y'all. Thanks again for the encouragement!
