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Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:15 pm
by Chris Watt
Well, hit my first deer at high speed coming down Munn's Road this morning- rider intact; bike status pending and deer failed to remain at accident scene for info exchange.

Out with Tony, Christian and Mark Ford for Highlands ride. Crested Munn's, started the cork-screw descent down toward Millstream/Ross Durance. Christian, with foreshadowing (but no movie-violin warning music- which would have been useful), said "you go ahead, not much for these steep ones".

Down and around the tight curves, in full tuck (but looking up!) down the last blind corner to the right and just as I came through the corner there was a mid-size deer crossing the road. I was going too fast (75-80 kph I'm guessing; have certainly hit that before on Munn's) to change my line but the deer saw me; for split second feinted back to the side of the road then in a fit of optimism decided a last-second bolt right across was just the thing. I T-boned him perfectly at its mid-section, executed a Spaceman Spiff launch off the bike, and what I hope was a credible Starsky and Hutch roll on impact. (though there might have been some World Cup-inspired acrobatics ... e19571354/)

Hard landing and a skid on right side; smacked head and jumped up almost immediately ("if I'm up I can't be hurt bad, right?"- AKA "denial", "magical thinking", and stoopidity). Expertly attended by Tony who gently advised that smarter move was to lie the hell down and rule out an unstable cervical spine fracture. Meanwhile Mark and Christian did traffic control to ensure that no car finished off what the deer started. (Thanks guys)

Hitched a ride with a Good Samaritan to VGH- x-rays normal; though extensive bruising of pride noted (modern technology- amazing!) . A few stiff sore days ahead but overall darn lucky. (what if that sucker had antlers? Should we have Kevlar kit option??)

Most important: the bike. Remarkably, on first inspection, just a wobbly front wheel, bent derailleur, no obvious fork or frame cracks.

Worst part: no venison; just hamburger (on me).

Be careful out there.


Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:19 pm
by barton bourassa
Soooo very glad you are ok! How very lucky you are!

Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:06 pm
by Quentin
Best accident report EVAR!

(also, glad to hear you are ok)

Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:41 am
by mlawless

I echo Quentin's comments - that I am glad your bike is okay and that you posted an awesome accident report!

I will add that I am glad you are well - fortune favours the brave (or something like that).

Good luck with getting out of be tomorrow morning!


Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:05 pm
by Andrew
Holy, glad you are ok. Munns is only supposed to hurt on the way up. I crashed at the same spot attorney de Victoria. No deer then, just rain and lack of blood to the brain.

Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:45 am
by Anika
This report just made my morning! LMFAO! Glad you're ok

Re: Deer crash on Munn's

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:56 am
by Lister Farrar
Glad you're ok to write this great report Chris! Brain and fingers just fine it seems.

My holiday misadventures are much less impressive; I sprained a finger taking off a wetsuit. Joanna says I should call it a surfing accident and fail to provide details to preserve my pride.