Helping out a fellow TSC rider and their family

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Posts: 289
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:02 pm

Helping out a fellow TSC rider and their family

Post by steve »

Hi All,

Andrew Lamoureux has been a member of TSC for the last couple of years and sadly has been absent from our club rides for the last two weeks. He just found out that his two year old daughter has leukemia and they are in Vancouver undergoing treatment as we speak. I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for Andrew, baby Sydney and mother Nicole.

Not only does having a child with cancer come with incredible physical and emotional hurdles but there are financial difficulties as well. Andrew and his wife will likely both miss work for prolonged periods and travel repeatedly back and forth to Children's Hospital in Vancouver. Typically, children are treated for two plus years. I'm hoping that we as a club can help make this time a little bit easier for the Lamoureux family by passing around the hat over the next two weeks at the club rides. Donations can be passed on to John Dower, Dave Spiers, Paula or myself (Steve Young).

Thanks Everyone.

You can read daily updates on Sydney at
Posts: 289
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:02 pm

Re: Helping out a fellow TSC rider and their family

Post by steve »

Hello All,

Just wanted to thank everyone who has been kind enough to contribute to Sidney and her family. We will take donations up until Tuesday the 10th of June and then make something up for the family. If you are still interested in helping out but haven't done so yet, please see myself or any of the triple shot executive (Dave S, Paula or John D) to contribute.

Thanks again everybody - I am very proud of our club!

Andrew L
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:10 pm

Re: Helping out a fellow TSC rider and their family

Post by Andrew L »

I just wanted to personally thank every one who contributed and for the nice words on our rides and coffee. We are very appreciative and I’m really blown away by the generosity of the club. Sydney’s leukaemia is now in remission and we have started the journey to hopefully completely cure this. We’ve been having quite a few good days lately and I’ve felt very lucky for every ride I’ve made it out for lately.

Thank you
-The Lamoureux Family