Alexander Angus, CoV:Hi:
I'm concerned about the bike track plan - and I'm a cyclist. I fear that by setting aside fixed space for bicycles, you'll be creating a situation where sport cyclists doing 35 km/h will be contending for space with kids doing 5, with no graceful way to merge/pass/flow safely; and that the remaining road space will be seen as the exclusive domain of cars. If we ride in the road to avoid slow cyclists, we will enrage drivers. If we use the bike lane, we'll be a Menace to Small Children and Puppies Everywhere. It seems that those of us who train on Dallas Rd year-round, in rain, shine, dark, etc., are being shut out of the road altogether.
Can't we just have the additional road space (although what's there is already generous) and a nice white stripe? You could put down green paint, too, and spend less than on concrete barriers, and then the road is more easily shared by the whole span of users.
Thanks for your consideration,
I am quite pleased with his answer and wanted to share the City's perspective with you. Also, a reminder: they're taking the engagement exercise seriously. Engage!Hi Kate,
Thank you for your email regarding the proposed cycle track on Dallas Road. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your feedback.
The cycle track proposed for Dallas Road is associated with the CRD's force main project between Ogden and Clover Points. The projects requires trenching excavation to lay the pipe, and the CRD has offered to help the City meet its cycling goals for Dallas Road by reinstating the trench with a cycle track. The track will stretch about 2.8 kilometres from the breakwater to Clover Point. We expect to attract more recreational cyclists and families to the cycle track than the groups of experienced competitive cyclists. The entire route would take less than 5 minutes at 35 km/h. Because the route is short and does not connect to any other bicycle facilities we would expect that the cyclists continuing along an extended route would stick to Dallas Road as they do now. The installation of this recreational cycle track does not limit a rider's right to ride on Dallas Road, nor does remove the option for future marked bike lanes on Dallas Road.
On a side note, we are currently in the public engagement phase of our update to the 1995 Bicycle Master Plan. There is a survey available online until the end of May where we are seeking feedback on existing bike routes, proposed bike routes, and what would make cycling safer as well as more attractive to non-riders. The survey is available here: ... ement.html