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April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:43 am
by Stéphane Tran
Thank you to all the Tripleshot gang for putting on a great event last night. The Speedway is a fun, fast course. In fact, I think I like it better than Caleb or Latoria. Last night the weather was perfect, there were lots of young and new/newish racers, no crashes, and a fun time was had by all, so no excuses for not coming out next time! BTW, can I request some AC/DC over the PA for next time? I know John T. has all their albums.

Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:35 am
by trevor
Likewise, thanks to all who had a role in making this event such a success. Great venue, smoothly run event, awesome turn out. Good on ya!!

Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:29 am
by mlawless
I echo the comments above - it was a well run and fun evening.

I think we should also recognize the singular efforts of John T in running the show last night and making sure all the moving pieces were well co-ordinated - he was also a solid announcer - perhaps a closet Karaoke star - Christmas Party anyone?

Thanks also the the other volunteers who dealt with registration, set-up, take-down.


Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:43 pm
by JohnT
I thought it was a lot of fun. The weather made a big difference. Like Mike said, lots of people helped a lot; from sweeping the track to notifying me about unmarked curbs, to helping with the scoring, to managing registration, not to mention Clare and Andrew playing music. Thanks a lot everyone.

Those who paid last year (when it was rained out) were given free entry this year. They really appreciated the fact that we remembered. Al W. was responsible for that club good will.

ACDC will not be a problem Stephane.

Other suggestions also welcome - Here I am talking about race organization. We shortened the A race by five minutes during the race because several people on the sidelines worried about sunset. Although I agreed at the time, I won't do that again. I think it turned out fine, but strategies can get screwed up when one makes such revisions. Feedback right afterwards suggested that 30 minutes (plus 5 laps) was plenty, so we'll just plan for that right from the start next time.

Reflecting on that, 'it turned out fine' comment: We announced the race duration change when two guys had a 1/3 lap break. I worried that I'd handed them the win, but the sudden shortening of the race (from 35 min to 30 min) seemed to light a fire under the large chase group, which was lead to a great extent by Pro City. It was a very exciting finish, even if it didn't go exactly as planned for some.

The C race seemed to go well. A nice sprint finish and no one got dropped.

The B pack had about 25 racers - great turn out and great race. Stephane sprinted to 4th and then raced A and hung on to the end. Well done. Mr Rumble (very sorry for forgetting your name) won C and asked to race B. I said no. That's another change I'd make next time. Sorry. I'll check with CyclingBC and other involved in the VCL to see if anyone has a problem with that happening regularly - people upgrading on the spot. Letting Stephane go in A was just me reconsidering that first decision, it certainly wasn't anything personal.

Anyway, I think we can really build on this. Maybe a one-lap kids race, among other possible additions.


Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:30 pm
by JohnT

Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:44 pm
by Lister Farrar
Thanks John. The C's having their own timeslot is important. Not just for the chance to ride up a category if it goes well, but also the chance to ride without being zoomed by the faster packs. Not many chances to do that.

The youth riders liked having a pack and the chance to try some attacks, and not just hang on. It paid off for them this weekend where they rode comfortably in a youth pack at the Tour de Bloom in Wenatchee. See separate report.

What do folks think of adding a chicane in the backstretch? The school league did this for variety, and it was well received. Still mostly oval, but a quick turn off the oval and back on again adds some skill challenge.

Re: April 30th VCL Speedway

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:23 pm
by Rumble Paul
Sorry for the crazy delay, but wanted to thank all those involved for a fantastic event!

It was my first race since 1984 as a junior, and I came last in that one (C.F. was starting to affect the lungs). I was actually in the perfect category for my fitness, as my Garmin data/Strava indicate the highest heart rate and speed of any ride I've done! I felt on the edge, and was truly shocked (and stoked!) to somehow eke out a win. :D

I lucked out there and look forward to trying a B race on the Speedway in the future (though will likely stick to C on a Latoria, we'll have to see).

Thanks John et al once again!
