Seat Selection

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Seat Selection

Post by EricS »

This is a question for the men:

Can any of you recommend a saddle model that is good for boy bits?

I find that over short distances, I can get used to whatever saddle came on whatever bike I'm riding that day, even though most saddles seem to be shaped like the great pyramids, or an inverted canoe. But now that I am doing some longer rides, I need some perineal TLC.

The novelty of discovering numb jibbly-bits in the shower after a ride has lost its appeal.

Lets start a frank discussion of our franks shall we? I'm serious. Tell me what saddle works (or doesn't) for you.

Many thanks,

Eric Simonson
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Lister Farrar
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Re: Seat Selection

Post by Lister Farrar »

80's turbos seem to fit me the best, but then that could be just because I've been riding them for 30 years and my butt is now shaped like them. Haven't found a modern replacement, but haven't tried either.

I imagine the key is sitting on lots of saddles and seeing what works for you. Don't bike shops offer loaners to see if a certain model fits? Somehow going by looks, seems like buying shoes by looks.

Not to doubt that your issue is the saddle, but when I had a back problem, and discovered some stretches that helped, I noticed that coincidentally I was more comfortable on the saddle. I wonder if the numbness might be your pelvis rotating forward, (compressing the pudendal nerve?), perhaps caused by a tight back? The exercises that helped me, er, there, happened to be for my back flexion.
80s turbo.jpg
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Re: Seat Selection

Post by JohnT »

Specialized 'Toupe' has worked for me - That is, solved a similar problem many years ago.

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Re: Seat Selection

Post by wonger »

Specialized Romin works for me. OBB provided me with a number of Specialized saddles to demo before making a decision.
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Re: Seat Selection

Post by Alan »

Brooks. Saddle. Leather. Made from a cow. Moo.
Like sitting on a big pile of butter.
(not that I've ever tried that)
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Re: Seat Selection

Post by conway »

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Re: Seat Selection

Post by Dave L »

I suppose if one were to rank all of the suggestions on the basis of km/week, one might choose whatever Mark Ford says and be done with it!

I have a Specialized Romin Evo that works for me. Most of their saddles come in four widths, so you should be able to find one that works. Keep in mind that Specialized (unhelpfully) have massive overlaps in the width, and a 155 in one model may be a 143 in another. If you go to OBB or Russ Hays, they’ll measure your sit bones on the bumometer and then set you up with the correct width depending on the model.
Spec saddles.jpg
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Re: Seat Selection

Post by Rolf »

The club should consider buying a bumometer to keep track of who hasn't recently bought coffee.