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buying gloves online

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:15 pm
by Paula
My hands are frequently cold and not having warm enough gloves kept me from cycling this week.. honest.. I need these hands.

So, I have decided that lobster gloves are the way to go, but can't find them anywhere in town... but super duper pricey ones at Pro-City.
I'm looking at getting them online. Suggestions of what site to use? Also, I'm looking at Pearl Izumi Lobster Gloves or Sugoi Sub-zero lobster gloves. Does anyone have experience with either on?


Re: buying gloves online

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:58 pm
by norman marcy ... es-unisex/

pull a pair of these over your existing gloves and you are golden


Re: buying gloves online

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:28 pm
by phox
I too have crappy fingertip circulation. And I hate not having fingers.

Four words: Pearl Izumi P.R.O. Barrier. Full-fingered gloves that at least match most lobsters. Also hard to get in town... I had to order mine.

Re: buying gloves online

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:46 am
by Paula
thanks Norm and pfox.

I actually have a pair of the over mitts already, and they help but I can get too sweaty and it is really hard to get them on and off when I have to do adjustments during a ride.

pfox - Thanks for the recommendation. who did you buy them from online? I don't tend to buy cycling stuff (or much of anything) online, so a good site recommendation would be appreciated. and as far as sizing goes… suggestions? I guess I could go to a shop that sales Pearl izumi and check out their sizing…

Re: buying gloves online

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:43 pm
by norman marcy ... 01-p3.html

Check out team estrogen they have the PI PRO and "the Best Winter Glovers EVER both from PI just hold your breath for the price of either