(Cool poster from Tripleshotter Brent Scofield eh?)
Activities include:
- 9:00 am Children's guided bike trains from Carnarvon Park and Monterey schools to Willows Beach Park
10:00 Family oriented ride on a closed section of Beach Drive
11:00 Tours of Oak Bay history, food, studios, and architecture (designed by Tripleshotter Adam Fawkes)
all day:
The AFD petroleum airbag for the teenaged hucker in everybody (good for about 11 yers and up)
the Margaret Jenkins Elementary and Monterey Middle schools bike clubs props. Think teeter totters and cool stuff to ride over. Last year we had 2-year olds on run bikes, and 16 year-olds going for air in the same line-up.
Police bike rodeo
John Webster trials riders, former world number 6
Barb Bialokoz demo of bike fitting
Oak Bay Bikes, Fairfield Bikes, and Marty's mountain cycles displays and tune-ups
mini cyclocross course