Summer Solstice "Stupid Century" - brilliant!

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Summer Solstice "Stupid Century" - brilliant!

Post by FairweatherMike »

A big tip of the helmet to Kate, Barton, Simon and the rest for pulling off this surprisingly fun event. Caveat: I know first-hand it was great for the first 34 miles (when I had to bow out at 6 a.m. due to other commitments) and presume that the rest of the ride was equally successful. By my count, about 15 riders, with several outriders and an even dozen in a tight, orderly, brisk-moving but not pedal-to-the-metal peloton. Kudos to new member Deborah who well and truly went for it. :D

The weather cooperated and as a special bonus for the 4 a.m. crowd (which was most of the folks who showed), a gorgeous orange-ball moonset over the SW Olympics.

I'll leave it to others to update what happened for the latter 66 miles - if it was as much fun as what I experienced, the questions about whether this might become an annual event will be answered!
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Re: Summer Solstice "Stupid Century" - brilliant!

Post by bill »

It was a great time. I assume had by all.

Dave S. was so excited he started early (2:45am), road 100 laps, went home for some breakfast and came back out to finish it off with the rest of us. By my count he did about 125 laps. Oh, and Dave time for some new shorts!

Thanks to all who joined in for the ride. I believe I am still dizzy today.

Can't wait for the Winter Solstice Ride. 100 laps on Dec 22 at 4am. We wont even see the sun! Oh and that is a Sunday!

Here`s to 200 in 2014!

barton bourassa
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Re: Summer Solstice "Stupid Century" - brilliant!

Post by barton bourassa »

Winter Solstice? Is that not for hibernating??!!!
Barton Bourassa