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Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:56 pm
by katew
So, Barton put me up to posting this.
And it's Simon Pearson's idea. So don't come after me if this turns out badly.

Yesterday morning, Simon says to me, he says, "Hey, I'm thinking of celebrating the solstice by doing a century..." I nod. " riding around Beacon Hill Park 100 times."

I said, "That's incredibly stupid. I'm in."

This morning, I told Barton about the idea. He said, "That's incredibly stupid. I'm in."

So, I propose this: I'm going to pack my car with drinks and sammiches and snacks and tools and a first aid kit and park it near the petting zoo (red Nissan X-Trail). That's the sag wagon and nobody needs to drive it. And I think that if I start riding at 4 AM, I will see the sun rise and be done before 10, when the park will be overrun by normal people and also peacocks. It would be fun to do this cooperatively with people and share the work... but people might feel a need to do this at their own pace and that's OK too.

(Chris Fraser, a Lawless Brother, or other similarly tall and fast person is welcome to tow me for 162 km if he so desires.)

I will try to provide enough food for however many people commit by posting on this thread. Barton, Simon: You're committed now. (I'm thinking I should be committed.)

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:06 pm
by DavidB

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:18 pm
by barton bourassa
Me too! I am committed! But I'll start at 5:00. Sunrise, 5:07!

Hey, If we get a decent turn out, lets alert the media. Maybe put up a sign at the bike shops? Post on their sites? Other clubs sites?

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:28 pm
by Rolf
This sounds great! If I didn't have an obligation to watch people get electrocuted in Whistler that day, I'd sign up.

But I'm not sure one is permitted to undertake such a pointless ride without some humanitarian or fundraising justification. You know, like the Ride to Conquer Oilsands Pipeline Skepticism.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:23 pm
by AndreaR
Funny you should say that Rolf, as I have just the humanitarian effort to offer. I will be riding in the MS Tour on July 6th and 7th and a pointless century would be just the thing to help raise awareness and perhaps some donations to the MS Society. I speak from experience that misery loves company - I once did a century on my trainer in my living room while my friends laughed and pointed.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:18 pm
by katew
I'm actually being a little tiny bit cautious and not even broadcasting this on my FB page, as I'm a little afraid that the City will discover that we need a permit and police coverage and and and and... and the Friends of Beacon Hill Park will notice that we have commercial logos on our jerseys and that will be that.

You're welcome to tell me I'm being paranoid.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:59 pm
by FairweatherMike
There's heroically stupid and there's hamster-in-a-wheel stupid. I'm trying to get my head around the idea of seeing the finish line go by 162 times (it's a 1 km loop, is it not?). I guess we could think of it as an open-air velodrome with spectators, animals and vandals wandering on the track. And it is kind of a TripleShot-ish thing to do (same route again and again and again and again...)

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:08 am
by barton bourassa
Mike, you only have to go around 100 times! 1.6 K circle, rather 1 Mile. Sounds to me like the easiest 161 a person could do in this area. No hills, no traffic lights, stop signs, just go! And go and go and go!!

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:47 am
by DavidB
I suspect simply from a traffic control perspective it makes more sense to keep it small, because you see how crazy the road gets in the morning with Tripleshot there.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:10 pm
by Alan
I'd be into this too--fits my parameters of being somewhat silly, probably pointless, with a mild whiff of pagan solstice worship thrown in there. I suggest we kick off the ride with a ritualistic sacrifice of a duck, a racoon or maybe a peacock (won't suggest a baby goat, as they're too cute, and typically not traffic hazards).
The ride seems like it's worth doing, but not worth advertising (a la Facebook). I do however wonder what Rolf meant when he said he's going to Whistler to watch people get electrocuted. Am I missing something? Did they reinstate the death penalty in BC ? Or is this just a handy excuse for Rolf to avoid breaking a sweat? Do tell...

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:33 pm
by EricS
Whistler has the tough mudder that weekend. One of the obstacles is a maze of dangling live electrical wires. And you thought riding beacon hill 100 times was silly.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:44 pm
by Paul C.
This sounds like an event designed for Rando people like Mark Ford and semi-Rando's like Mark Shepherd and Me.
Barton: This could be instead of the masters race June 23( we are helping out at the MEC bikefest)

So is the start time 4 or 5 am?? Do we need to do some
Pagen solstice ritual at the finish, at the flag pole on top of Beacon Hill?

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:16 pm
by John D
Being out of town 'til the end of the month, I (fortunately) can't take part in the SSS Century. However, I agree with David in that publicizing the event might just end up bringing unnecessary grief. If it turns out to be popular, it might be worth considering formalizing the event for next year.

One question...given that I lose track of how many times I go up/down Caddie Bay on (admittedly scarce) Wednesdays before joining the Farm Team, how does one keep track of 100 laps of BHP?


Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:37 pm
by barton bourassa
Neat thing about BHP is that it is near exactly 1 mile. 1.6082 Km! So when you have 40 K on your bike computer or watch or garmin or whatever you have gone 25 laps. 80 K, 50 laps! Fairly straight forward!

Too bad you won't be here John! This could be fun! Or just plain crazy. Take your pick!

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:53 pm
by spearson
Obviously IN!

At least for the first time, let's keep this like Fight Club. 1st rule of fight club? Second?

This could not possibly ever get nods, sanctions, sponsors, or anything but a shaking of the head from anyone in charge so it's just a bunch of people who happened to turn up at the same place to ride around in circles.

Also I would encourage people to come out for less than the full distance. 50 laps is half as crazy as 100. Just get there early enough that you drop out before the park gets busy. I've got a list of suggestions for the ride, I'll post them closer to Friday.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:10 pm
by katew
Alsotoo, I will set my Garmin to autolap at the magical crosswalk by the petting zoo.


We can argue more about 4 or 5 later in the week. I'm inclined to do 4 for two reasons:

1) I want to be done before the pedestrians really get hazardous
2) This is Tripleshot Cycling, for pete's sake. We ride in the dark. You have to work *hard* to ride in the dark at this time of year. So, let's.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:51 pm
by debh
I have been forced in. Kate I will start uber early too.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:20 am
by shawn
OK, I'm in for this game of Simon Says.

Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:20 pm
by stevierooks
Ill b there at 4


Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:17 am
by katew
Reconfirming a few things after informal ("Are you out of your mind? Oh, and, sure, I'll do it") conversations:
  • * I am planning on starting to ride at 4:00 AM Saturday June 22. Yes, I know the solstice is on Friday, but I have a day job and it'll still be Friday somewhere and besides, the only alternative solution I heard proposed ("Let's start at 11:59 Friday night and ride until dawn") is too stupid to merit further mention.

    * I have found a few munchies and a case of Vanilla Maple Rumble, but the chocolate type seems to be scarce... so you may want to supplement with your fuel of choice.

    * No, I am not going to bring my espresso machine and a very long extension cord. That was a joke, people. So was hiring a stripper to work as a barista. Jeez.

    * The car will be there for extra layers and bits but I'm leaving it unlocked with the hatch open. So don't plan on putting anything in there you wouldn't want to see some peacock make off with.
Looking forward to seeing a few of you dimly, blearily, on Saturday morning. :)