Caleb - June 5th

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Caleb - June 5th

Post by Jimmy49 »

Well, from the other side of the fence (kind of), I saw two of the Tripleshot clad members in the C race last night - Brenna and Kate. Along with a gang of Procity gals, Jim Holtz and I (Lister and Thomas were in for some training) made up what was a fun race group. Hard to tell exactly but it appeared there was some colusion going on between Brenna and a bunch of the PC gals as they were taking turns attacking. I kept my eyes on the front group and stayed on them enough to keep any serious breakaway's from success. I think this broke up the back of the group pretty well and it appeared we were setting up for a big sprint at the end. Without any team mates, I was struggling to find the best tactic and opted to just sit in the front. Jim Holtz made a move to the front on the bell lap and stayed there till the final hill sprint. I wasn't too confident with only one rider to draft given those aggressive gals were lined up on my wheel. Only option was to charge hard and hope for the best. Final positioning is everything in a sprint and Brenna and another PC were able to get around me before the line. Well done to both and a fun race when no incidents and 4 or so bikes charging the line together!!
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Re: Caleb - June 5th

Post by katew »

Jimmy's a gentleman and a pleasure to ride with. Those other sharks in the pack, the ungrateful children, some of whose diapers I am sure I changed, gave this endurance athlete a bitter introduction to the surging rhythm of a bunch race. Lister gamely tried to prop me up, but I despaired after the fifth of nine laps and dropped back to cruise with one of the juniors similarly left behind.

My post-race whining was met with a crisp, "Your head gave out long before your legs did" from Lister. He's right, too, dammit.

A good learning experience, and I'll try again soon.