Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

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Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Plawless »

our very own TSC licenced Anika has been selected to the BC team for Nationals. She has to, of course (!!!!), pay for that privilege but as a starving student its tough. The estimate for flights, food, CBC Fee Entry etc is a total cost around $1700. TSC is kicking in 1/2 (THANK YOU TSC!!!) A couple of other spectacularly cool members have handed me some crumpled bills. if anyone else would like to help out with these costs please drop me an email at or hand me $ at any time - seriously anyone anytime can hand me money!

I think its super important that we at TSC continue what has become our tradition of assisting those younger riders that have both talent and commitment to achieve their racing goals. They have what we no longer have (talent!) and we have what they dont yet (money). Its a match made in heaven like a peanut butter cup!

So... I'll be the one with my hand out at the rides next week. Thanks, in advance.

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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Plawless »

I had a question as to what we expected of Anika in return for our support particularly given the fact that she is likely to be "moving on" from TSC at some point. My response is that I think we are doing this as "good people" and not as part of some exchange. One of the things I personaly value very highly about TSC is the selfless nature of some of what we do. We tend to support people or things because its right and not because of any particular expected return.

Having said that it is my personal (and very strong) expectation that as Anika (and others) develop in the sport that when they have an opportunity to give back they do so. If that means continuing to ride and mentor younger riders they do that. If its like Mel and Erinne donating buckets of kit and equipment then thats what they do. But I don't "expect" we get something beyond satisfaction at having helped a younger rider out in return for our funds.

In absolute fairness I think that was a great question and I am very appreciative that I received it. No one wants any bad taste left over this stuff. I am greatful for the question and, frankly, opught to have thought about that point in advance of my first post.

Anyway there you have it. Its a request to throw away $ with no expected return.

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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by bikehart »

Well said Peter... I agree 100%.
Go Anika Go!

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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Lund »

You can put me down for 100% as well.

And some cash. (I'll have to see what turns up in my wife's pockets next time I do the laundry.)
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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Andrew »

I am in... Go Anika!! While some people seem to have moved on they (we) always have argyle in our hearts
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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Anika »

Thank you everypne for being so amazing and supportive. I've published a thank you on my blog. See you all on the road :)
Rumble Paul
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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by Rumble Paul »

It's always impressive to see you ride, Anika! Happy to help in our small way, many hands make light work!


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Re: Passing the Hat for Anika to get to Nationals

Post by bill »

Properties in Victoria Professionals, you know the logo on your back (and when he is not lazy out on his bike), is happy to pass on $50. Go Anika!
