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Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 1:22 pm
by trevor
Hi folks.
I'm hoping someone can post any updates re John's condition here. I didn't see the crash but I sure heard it. It looked like those down were well cared for. John, it couldn't have happened to a better guy. You'll be back riding before you know it.
Crashes tend to cloud over otherwise fantastic events such as today's Windsor. I hope everyone else had a great race.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 3:31 pm
by BearPope Recruit
Yes, I was hoping somebody might have an update???

John, hope your recovery is quick & you are back on the bike soon!


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:28 pm
by Andrew
I checked in on him at RJH but he went to VGH. He was in amzing spirits despite his injuries when leaving so hopefully he is ok.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:33 pm
by Kinross Clan
Hi - could anyone that saw the crash please call shawn or jana at 778-430-XYZX. Particularly Dave Spiers (?). If anyone knows him, please pass this message along. It is very important we speak with them.


shawn davison

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:57 pm
by Kinross Clan
Hi - we found out that Dave S did not see the crash. If anyone did see it or know where his helmet is please call us at the number above.



Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 6:10 pm
by rhughes
Dave has his helmet. He also told me that the bike was on the way to the bike shop. OBB?


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:37 pm
by John D
Andrew wrote:I checked in on him at RJH but he went to VGH. He was in amzing spirits despite his injuries when leaving so hopefully he is ok.
That's good news Andrew...thanks.

The reason they wanted (i) to see whether anyone had witnessed the crash, and (ii) to find John's helmet, was to see whether it might have been cracked and that he might have a concussion. Last I heard was that the helmet was intact - so no concussion.

That he was in good spirits when he left VGH is great new, too.


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:50 pm
by John D
Latest update...

Just spoke to Heidi, and in addition to some broken ribs and a punctured lung, John has a lacerated liver - which is the main concern. Heidi said that they're hoping surgery won't be necessary.

Those of you who know John will not be surprised that he's insisting that he be allowed access to a computer, presumably to give his usual "blow by blow" race report.

Heidi (or possibly John) will keep us updated.


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:24 pm
by Kinross Clan
Thanks for all the information we have received - as John D stated, John T's helmet was immaculate, so no concern for head injuries.

He is still in hospital under observation. Strong man, strong spirit.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:57 am
by steve

So sorry to hear about your crash - sounds painful but I am happy to hear you are in good spirits. Get better quickly.


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:12 pm
by Anika
John, I'm sure if you have access to a computer you will be on this forum. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you're not too sore this next little while. Way to stay positive, all I have heard is that you are in good spirits despite the booboos :)

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:03 pm
by stevierooks
John, we are all thinking about you alot right now. Im so sorry for you having to experience these injuries. Know that I also feel that this "couldnt have happened to a better guy"

You recover now please because I really enjoy riding with you.


Update on John's condition

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:21 pm
by John D
Hi all...

Spoke to the man himself earlier today. I'd previously mentioned to Heidi that lots of people were asking about him, and so it was good to hear from him first hand. John was in good spirits and is hoping to go home from VGH in another day or so. Thus far the liver laceration has not caused any problems.

Ever the scientist, John was very analytical in his assessment of his injuries and his recollection of the actual event. He specifically mentioned how much he appreciated staring up at some friendly faces while lying on the ground and awaiting the ambulance (thanks Mike, Curt, Norm and Rooks).

More news as it becomes available...


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:33 pm
by Andrew
Great news, thanks for the update. Thinking about you John and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:13 pm
by Stéphane Tran
John, I am glad to hear that you are in good spirits. You are truly a hardman! I wish you a full and speedy recovery and look forward to riding with you again as soon as possible.

All the best,


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:28 am
by JagD
John, hope you recover well, looking forward to seeing you out on the bike soon!

Jag D

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 1:47 pm
by John D
Saw John at VGH this morning. He was in very good spirits, albeit frustrated that he can't post to the Forum as VGH doesn't have wifi in the rooms. Then again, it is a frickin' hospital after all! Anyhow, it sounds like they're going to keep him there until Thursday, just to play it safe.

He was reading an article about "magnetic pole wander" when I arrived. Go figure. :wink:


Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:11 pm
by jeremy
John sorry to hear about the crash, hope you heal up quick, and I hope your mighty steed didn't suffer too much in the crash. On behalf of Bill and Lister and myself I'd like to welcome you into a very prestigious club, The Tripleshot I broke a bone(s) at the Windsor Park Crit club.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:21 pm
by Lund
I just spoke with Heidi. It seems John has persuaded the medical powers-that-be that he's fit for discharge, so they'll be releasing him to Heidi this evening...with some stringent restrictions on when he can safely climb back onto his bruised and battered bicycle.

Re: Windsor VCL

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:50 pm
by JohnT
Nice to be home!

I made a break with Richard as lead out man - He dropped in to visit this afternoon and when I said I was just waiting for Heidi to pick me up after work, he offered me a lift (I had no clothes at the hospital, so it was like a jail break - me in my over-sized hospital gown and booties and Richard with the car parked and running at the exit. Finally back online: I don't have a cell phone, so I've never experienced the anxiety people talk about when they forget it somewhere, but four days without wireless was isolating.

The short of it is that I have three broken ribs, a bruised kidney and a 5cm laceration in my liver. I went over the bars and landed, not on the road, but on a wheel. Maybe my own front wheel, maybe the rear wheel of the bike ahead - like falling from a tree and landing on a branch before hitting the ground. A CT scan of my kidneys revealed the liver laceration and that became the main concern. It felt, briefly, like having a time bomb inside me - is it going to bleed and if so when and how much? They prepared me for surgery, put me on the surgical ward, and then we just waited to see what would happen. With each day the risk became less and less and today, they've decided that a bleed is very unlikely - livers heal fast.

I imagine it was a scary sight; the fire truck, ambulance and me on a board. I'll never forget the morning that Barton suffered a collapsed lung on the road near Cattle Point. Now I know what it is like when you are unable to deliver the oxygen you know your body needs: You don't know what comes next and you consider the possibility of the worst. On Sunday it lasted for only about a minute I think, but that's a minute that makes everything else trivial.

My liver and kidneys don't hurt at all, which is why it took a CT scan to discover the problem. But three broken ribs ain't comfortable.

Thanks a lot for the support (just been reading the forum). I can ride very carefully in a week and race in about six weeks, if I want. We'll see. From the moment I crashed I had great help. Kirt (retired paramedic I think), who was on the scene, others who told me to try to control my breathing, the paramedics in the ambulance, the VGH emergency people, and the surgery ward staff were, without exception, amazing. Crazy, but I also have a very clear memory of Mike Lawless laughing - not at me, but making the whole crash scene much less stressful - who were you talking to and what was the joke Mike?!

See you soon, maybe at an after-ride coffee.
