Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

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Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by stevierooks »

I have entered the Criterium for this event on Sunday June 2. Are there any others from TS that are gonna be there?

This will be my first race ever and my main goal is to not crash! Other than that, I don't want to be last. I've entered the Citizen/Cat 4 catagory. Its gonna be either 20 or 25 laps (ive seen both numbers on the website) and I sure would like some company.

If there are more Triple Shots that are gonna be there, then we should touch base.

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Re: Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by DavidB »

I'll be doing the Rumble TT the day before, and I'll be around for Bastion.
I've got an obnoxious helmet. It's green.
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Re: Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by stevierooks »

Excellent Dave! I am planning to take in all three days of this event including volunteering at the Time Trials. See you there!

Anybody else participating in the events?

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Re: Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by MDAWSON »

I'm signed up for all 3 races, so I'll definitely see you there!

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Re: Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by Rolf »

I've signed up for Dallas Rd. (my first TT!) But I have yet to select a costume...
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Re: Bastion Square Grand Prix - 3 day event

Post by BearPope Recruit »

That's awesome Rolf!

I'm in for volunteering & racing Dallas TT on Friday, and racing Bastion Sunday... moving up a category so just happy to be on the start line! Looking for other cat 3 ladies to join me & work together!

Cheers ~jen