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Rumble Kit

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:44 pm
by Rumble Paul
Hello all - thanks for the welcome on Tuesday - a fun ride! I will be out again in May, likely on the Sunday ride though.

Just wanted to say that if anyone wants a Rumble Kit (or just a jersey), please email me at paul [at] by Tuesday, as I will be placing our final order.

Right now I have orders for 11 full kits ($239 for the Full Kit) and and 7 Jersey only ($89.50).

These are the Sugoi RS Jersey and Sugoi RS Pro Bib Shorts (

The kit will look similar to this link, but the real life blue is much nicer than the display one. Brighter, bluer, matches the blue of "Feed Your Hunger" on a bottle of Rumble!

If we get just *one* more order of bib shorts, the price will drop $32 for everyone! This will make it $207 for a full Kit.

Heading out of town but back late Tuesday. Enjoy the sunny weather! 8)


Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:09 am
by Rumble Paul
OK, due to Mike's order, the Total kit is now $207. And perhaps less if we get 5 more riders!

Hey Andrew Atwell - let me know if want one.


Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:20 am
by Anika
For anyone who hasn't had the sugoi rs and rs pro stuff before: It's awesome! Top selling short when I worked at Fort street. One of my favorite chamois. It's the same stuff as Bryson's red truck kit.

Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:25 pm
by Rumble Paul
Hey everyone! We've had a few folks come forward and say they would like a kit. We will order as soon as we get 6 orders, so just wanted to see who might like one. Please post below and also email me (

We really appreciate the interest and support of TSC! :D



Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:09 am
by barton bourassa
Is it just me being a curmudgeon or do others find it strange that we have to pay to be walking/riding advertisements for a company, any company? The Rumble kit is very nice, looks great and I am sure feels great but don't companies usually have to pay for advertising? Billboards, newspaper, websites, folks wearing billboards on street corners even get paid. But for some reason, we have to pay to advertise for others if we wear it! I can understand the logos on our club kit because they pay us to advertise on our jersey. It just seems odd to me!

Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:29 pm
by Rumble Paul
Hey Barton,

I don't think you are being a curmudgeon, as I think you make a great point. I've often wondered why so many of us are willing to pay top dollar to adversities for companies that we have no connection to. It seems odd to me too how prevalent and willing we are to essentially be mobile billboards. However, there are a few good reasons specifically relating to Rumble you might be overlooking. It would mean much more if someone other than me could provide some perspective, but for your consideration:

I think the two biggest reasons are that people generally like to support local companies, and get a discount at the same time. The same kit without any brand identifiers would cost more. So, simple economics is at play. Great looking quality kit at a discount!

But I would suggest the other aspect of that (supporting local) is also important. We at Rumble are actually trying to do something good (give people a truly balanced and healthy choice) with an all-natural product. I was a junior racer here in Victoria back in the mid 80's, and from then until now there has not been a product available that provides what Rumble does. When I was critically ill a few years back, I really could have used something like Rumble. If we can get the word out (through all means, including riders wearing kits) we raise awareness, and potentially help those who don't have an alternative. I think folks like to support a company where profits (though critical to survival for the company) aren't the primary motive.

Odds are stacked against us - the beverage industry is controlled by the big players. If we do succeed, it will only be due to support of the local cycling/running community and word of mouth from our friends.

Others might like to support Rumble by purchasing a kit because we support the local cycling community. Although we have zero profits, we already threw meaningful financial support behind the recent TT and are supporting a number of local riders with free product to assist in training/recovery. If we succeed, we can help support more events and riders. We have also paid to be the title sponsor for the GearUp4CF charity ride (9 days from Vancouver to Banff) and that goes well beyond the expected ROI. It's because it is deeply personal and wonderful opportunity to give back to the CF Foundation that has helped keep me alive to be riding today.

Finally, pure and simple aesthetics may be at play. To be honest, I've done this in the past because the colour matches my helmet or bike. But whatever the reason, I think it's personally one of the coolest things to see - people wearing the Rumble kit reminds me that anything is possible. Just over 2 years ago I was on oxygen 24/7, wondering if I would live to see transplant and now I am able to chase my dreams on the bike, and see these jerseys makes me smile!

Sorry for taking this slightly sideways, but thanks for spurring me to provide some reasons why members might want to buy a kit!



Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:19 pm
by barton bourassa
Paul, well written, well presented reasoning! Go Local. Thank you! And Thank You for your company's support of local riders and events. All good reasons for us to wear Rumble!

Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:27 pm
by DavidB
I like this guy!

I'm not getting any, but what would you rather advertise? A Pro-team who's kit is a mess of sponsors, none of whom you own a product from, or a fantastic local product with a bad@$$ Looking kit?

I know where my money (If I had any) would go.

Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:08 pm
by Rolf
I can't buy your kit, Paul, because I already have a cornucopia of cycling costumes. But it is a smart looking kit.

And I did buy a case of Rumble from Thrifty's last night. :D

I love that Rumble is local and I find your personal story pretty moving. But to be frank, what got me in the store last night is that Rumble is healthy, it tastes great, and it's awesome after both workouts and binge drinking -- not to mention panicked breakfasts on the go when one spends all available pre-departure morning minutes simultaneously harassing and providing for one's spawn, such that one neglects to prepare breakfast for oneself.

Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:33 pm
by JohnT
I wouldn't even joke about buying another kit here in the Taylor household. But we might keep an open mind about future support/sponsorship. There might be ways to support local business (in addition to simply drinking Rumble) while local business supports us. E.g., for every 10 Rumble helmets we buy, Rumble buys a TT helmet for TS racers. Or, Triple Shot members collect $2,000 worth of Rumble receipts (say over the course of a year or so), and Rumble buys a TS/Rumble track bike. Just ideas that 1) don't conflict with sponsors we already have and appreciate and 2) have members throwing up their hands in disbelief that we're talking kit again.


Re: Rumble Kit

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:35 pm
by Rumble Paul
We will definitely be open to sponsorship opportunities!

In the meantime, placing the order today. Final Triple Shot pricing will be

$78 for RS Jersey (all in)
$130 for RS Bib Shorts (all in)

or $199 Triple Shot package deal!

Planning to order today.

