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When is a b ride not a b ride?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:36 pm
by Lister Farrar
So, I'm ready to leave this am, and at the last moment, am asked for a multitool, which I dig out. As I fumble to replace the seatbag, I hear "First group head out".

"Oh crap," the b's'll be going soon. Sure enough, "Second group!", and I stuff my seat bag in my pocket, and roll out in a hurry, along with Jay and Oliver, the two new juniors from oak bay high.

"Hmm", I think, foggily, "odd to see Greg and John Taylor in the B group. Must be having an easy day."

I'm already toast because I chased Jay and Oliver for 2.5 hours Thursday night on the junior boys ride, so just hoping to sit on and see how they make out with the B's.

Greg and John lift the pace about 5 kph every time on the front. Hmm, what's going on? Jim Pauly is there, and he's usually in my group. He's going better than me, but not like Greg and John.

Still haven't done a turn, and am seriously hurting. Blenkinsop is a max interval on every rise. Finally, I am ignominiously popped, by the mt doug hotel. No-one looks back. Weird, that's uncharacteristic of the Bs. But I don't yell either, preferring oxygen to communication.

"Ok". "I'll just wait for the C's." Ride to the top of ash, and hold onto a telephone pole. After several minutes, Dylan and bunch of other B looking folks roll up. (Slow dawning...i was with the A'S!. Ack!) :lol:

Turns out the A's hadn't rolled out when the call came, and I jumped in with them, thinking they were the b's. :oops:

More moments. "Jay and Oliver are still with them! Impressive".

Rest of the ride was more reasonable, but still struggled to do turns after digging too deep on Blenkinsop. Almost thankful for a flat on the top of KGT, and an excuse to turn home. Jay was there waiting, and ever so sensitively asks: "What took you so long?. I've been here for 10 minutes."

But Oliver lasted until the sprint. :shock: Awesome first time in the A's. Must be that swiss mountain biking fitness.

Re: When is a b ride not a b ride?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:59 pm
by Jimmy49
That's a classic TS tale! Makes me envious having missed this ride...Then I remembered the weather this morning and I felt better - and more impressed at the efforts of the riders!

Re: When is a b ride not a b ride?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:40 pm
by JohnT
Great to see you with the A's Lister, maybe next time it won't be by accident. Oliver and Jay had super rides.