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Saturday "Exams are finished-Hooray" CX ride

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:04 am
by AndreaR
Would anyone like to join me on a fun, slow person friendly cyclocross ride on Saturday after the Christmas party? I have two parties that night, so I'm thinking a later start on Saturday, say 9am?

My technical skills are pretty abysmal and my fitness has fallen to "I'm a student and have my butt chained to a desk for 3 weeks" levels, but I'm up for whatever.

Meet at Starbucks across from Mayfair (Douglas), then let's go fiind some mud!

Re: Saturday "Exams are finished-Hooray" CX ride

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:20 am
by katew
Tentative "yes," pending a medical opinion on whether I, um, broke my foot at Stewart Mountain.

Stoopid Mountain.

<crutch, crutch, grumble, crutch>

Re: Saturday "Exams are finished-Hooray" CX ride

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:51 am
by katew
Definitive "sorry, no," thanks to medical opinion that until they can prove that I didn't break my foot on Stewart Mountain, I am obligated to behave as if I have.

Which appears to mean that I'm not supposed to be running. "What about biking? There's this awesome CX ride on the weekend!" I asked.

"Running, carrying a bike, is not the same thing as biking," said Coach.


Re: Saturday "Exams are finished-Hooray" CX ride

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:12 am
by AndreaR
Boo! Well I hope you heal up fast :) What if we promise to "slowly meander, carrying a bike"? See, there's a way around all medical advice ;)

Re: Saturday "Exams are finished-Hooray" CX ride

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:54 pm
by katew
The worst part? This is totally messing up my party plans.

I mean, who wants to accessorize a killer red dress with Sensible Shoes?
