TTT - Picking teams

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TTT - Picking teams

Post by Plawless »

so how do we pick teams for this thing???? We need to get on this. i only know of one team set up so far:

Kim, Joe, Rhonda C & Chris Paul

Some thoughts I had around teams were:

Lister, Dylan, John T & Gavin/Peter/Roland (I was voting for Bill until the Crash)

Ramsey, Galen, Gavin/Peter/Roland (2 of these 3)

Chris F, Dave S, Chris W, Norm

Eric, Chris M, Mike L, Brian S.

Scott M, Emile, Ryan, Bob C

so.... lets get some groups made up. Ignore my thoughts and pick your own teams also lets not forget the Ladies I am still pulling for Sarah & Dolly & 1 more lady (me???)

Who wants to set up a team? Lets get posting!! (and dont forget your volunteer!)
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Lister Farrar
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Post by Lister Farrar »

How did Alan, Barton, Jeff G. and Rob M. avoid the press gang? :)
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Post by Alan »

Geez, glad you remembered me. For a second I thought you've left me out because of my bad smell or something. Tho' after a 85 km Monday 'social ride' (not "sociopath" ride as Mike Lawless kept reminding us) and a hard few trips around bunnieville today I'm not sure there's much left in the legs for a TTT ride. But let's do it. Let's do it --perhaps this week? We forgo the Blenkinsop madness on Friday and go to the university, divide ourselves into fours and get jammin'! Whaddyasay?
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Brian S
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TT Teams

Post by Brian S »

What about putting the cranky over or almost 50's together?? You/we know who you are!
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TT Picking Teams

Post by barton bourassa »

I will be helping out on the ground at the turn around. No racing for me for a while!

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Post by gav_eaton »

Apologies guys, but I'm going to have to miss out on this one. I'm heading down to Washington to see the Tragically Hip. A friend of mine got us tickets a while back (and they're playing in a tiny venue!) - so can't really back out now. Tempting though....
@#$& this 'work' stuff, I think I'll just go pro...
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Post by cashman »

Any idea to practice the TTT would be to ride the loop consisting of Caddy Bay right turn onto Lansdowne right turn onto Foul Bay which merges onto Henderson right turn onto Cedar Hill X road. I believe the route is ~4.5 km, not sure on this one. Maybe have Thursday am, usual start time and location, as the practice day??
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Post by JohnT »

I like that course too and would be very happy to have it become part of the TS routine. We should start posting indivdual and Team TT times for the circuit (and for multiple laps of the circuit). I need much TT practise, but also have to report that, like Gavin, I'll be away (in Idaho) on the Team TT weekend. Sorry about that.

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Dave Spiers
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Post by Dave Spiers »

Kim and I are away for a Marathon (Kim not me, ) in Newport, Oregon, so I will not be able to join in the fun for the TT practice :( Won't be back until sometime on the7th.
As the teams are yet to be picked I will go with fate and join whichever team needs a fourth. Maybe we can have another trial run on Tue 2nd at UVIC?
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Post by ART BOY »

i see this is a problem for you..
I can hear your accent in the post :)
Sleep knowing that the team your with has been agonizingly thought out to be "right" and correct and... right.... it'll all work out :)
just pedal hard and rest... pedal hard and rest... like this morning...
did that help?


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Who is racing??

Post by dreeves »

Here is the list of the people that I believe want to race the June 13 TTT. Add or take your name off the list by this Frida (June 5)y so we can get organized!

David S.
Eric P.
Dolly P.
Chris F.
Roland R.
Norm M.

I know that Kim and Joe are racing but they have 'hooked up' with folks from other teams.
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Post by bill »

Hey count me in. I should be ready in 2 weeks....

Great seeing those of you who could made it on Sunday, and all also a BIG THANKS for the rec pass. it is and was way beyond. Hope to see everyone soon. My goal is to be a spectator at the race.
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Post by David Hill »

Okay... grrr.. do I want to.... yes, I think I do, but everyone on the list is TOO DAMN FAST!!!

Can you do a TTT and chat? There IS coffee at the end, right?

Anyway, I could be goaded into doing the race, as long as I'm not expected to contribute any more than 20% of the effort, and there's a non-acetabulum-fracture guarantee...

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Post by Dolly »

eeek, what WAS I thinking?? I am inclined to sign up for the 2nd timekeeper position!! I can't keep up to any of these "cranky almost 50" ( or "almost 40" in some cases) speed demons! I will be a 4th only if there is an incomplete team, but I am happy to keep Bill company this time!
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Post by Ramsey »

Hey guys, been doing some Bill E-style secret training. Count me in!

David S.
Eric P.
Dolly P.
Chris F.
Roland R.
Norm M.
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Post by Plawless »

now I know of 2 teams:

1. Kim, Joe, Rhonda C & Chris Paul

2. Lister, Ramsey, Dylan & Peter

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Post by Ramsey »

Checking to make sure that everyone knew that the date for the TTT is Sunday, June 14 and not June 13, as mentioned in an earlier post in this topic..
And, in case anyone's missed it, there's some good TTT info one click off the TSCC main page:
Thanks to Galen and Peter and ??
See you Friday am, I hope..
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Post by ART BOY »


So.. It's like that is it?
brings back fond memories of baseball in grade 9... (what's baseball? and what's with the crazy yelling guy behind the batter?")
I only wish I had good friends that could displace water like Bill and dyl could back then.

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Post by Ramsey »

Yeah Galen, kinda anticlimactic, eh?
Get a team together for frack's sake!
Figure from Dylan's list that there are still enough Tripleshotters to squeeze out almost 2 teams:

David S.
Eric P.
Dolly P.
Chris F.
Roland R.
Norm M.
and Jairus?
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Post by Plawless »

So now I hear of 3 teams:

1. The Party Mix- Kim, Joe, Rhonda C & Chris Paul

2. Three Whippets & a Horse - Lister, Ramsey, Dylan & Peter

3. The Flying Doctors - Chris F, Brian S, Eric & Anthony Y (who doesnt yet know of his "appointm,ent" - or what about Chris W??)

Who else - C'mon how hard is it to talk to 3 other people and put your names down? Or better yet just pick 3 people and tell them they are on YOUR team (I hear that is pretty effective)

I also really like:

4. Team Diesel - Galen, Alan, Norm, Dave S

5. The Pocket Rockets - Dave H, Dolly, Rob M, Chris M

6. 1 Hurting Banana - Bob C, Scott M, Roland, Emile (does Emile Know??)

What also about: Chris W? Lets talk this Sh*t up folks! It is going to be an awesome day of cycling and tripleshot is what is going to make it epic!