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RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:35 pm
by Andrew
I am not sure who is riding this year. I am planning on doing the ride this year and likely to come back the same day. I formed a (male) team (Tripleshot Cycling) and have listed myself as captain. This could become a mixed team as well. I would be happy to join anybody else if you have already formed a Tripleshot team. I have a minivan and could transport five (van alone) to eight riders (van and covered trailer) and bikes and gear to Vancouver and then back from Whistler to Victoria. We may be able to option the Provincial Time Trial Championships as well on September 9th in Fort Langley if enough people are interested. I favour coming home and riding Observatory hill climb September 9th. I don't have anybody lined up to drive the van from Vancouver to Whistler, so if somebody has a friend or spouse who would like to drive it (+ or - trailer) up that would be great. Otherwise I will drive it up the night before and get a ride back. (We could also ride back from Whistler like some nut cases did last year!) We would leave Whistler in time to catch the three, five or seven ferry depending on group concensus. I will make ferry bookings in both directions.

The registration transfer deadline is on August 26th and there are a lot of registrations being sold on Craigslist Vancouver et cetera at a discount, with a fifty dollar transfer fee.

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:20 am
by sylvan
I'll be there but doing the timing, not riding. MyLaps ProChip this year, same timing system as the Tour de France, Olympics and Ironman.

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:26 am
by sylvan
Wow, Sebastian Salas lost the KOM by 14-hundredths of a second. ... ode=102986

Lead pack was about 110 at 50 km.

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:27 am
by sylvan
I just saw Luke finish. He started about 15 minutes after the front of the pack and doesn't look like he went too hard, but had the 23rd fastest KOM time.

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:50 pm
by luke.koolman
Thanks Sylvan, What a great day! Yeah I rode with my dad for the first 80km, so i figured i would give the KOM a dig, I had no idea I would place that high! Probably one of my best climbing results ever!

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:29 am
by barton bourassa
Andrew, how was your ride?

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:43 pm
by Andrew
Thanks Barton. I had a great ride. The event was really well organized again. It felt more safe to me than prior years, lanes better controlled. Others did not agree. Weather was perfect. Your adrenalin sure gets going at the start, what a feeling. I started with the lead pack and hung in until after Squamish. Last year I was very tactical and tried to stay at the front to avoid being dropped on the steeper hills. I didn't do that this year, and hoped I would be able to hang in with the fast group with my improved fitness, but landed up being dropped on the hills and having to chase back on down the hills and was tired starting the next hill. It was not worth trying to move forward through the pack, just no room and the front pack was not that big. The pace was fierce, heart rate was 185 most of the time, cramping in muscles I have never cramped before. There was a crash after Eagle Bluffs that involved I am guessing six or so riders. Charles Nelson was forced off the road and tore his tire which he was able to duct tape to the next rest stop, replace and carry on and finish. A local triathlete (Rumen) I believe was also involved but also finished the race. I was dropped shortly after Alice Lake and rode with one other guy, then another rider came through for a long piece to past Brandywine. I thought we would pick up riders falling off the lead pack but anybody falling off was done and falling back. This guy and I got into an amazing rhythm and did a wonderful piece for I am guessing 50+ mins (!). Felt like a Josh ride, we were well matched and worked perfectly together, just awesome. Eventually a large pack came through but I couldn't hang on to it as I was fried. Finally hooked on to a few other guys coming into Whistler but nobody was working together so eventually rode in largely on my own as I wasn't trying for time anymore. I have never riden so hard in my life, finished with a decent 3:42 and change, 150th overall. I will have to try to do better next year. Wish I had done some longer rides and more hills. Spent time with friends and family and then rode back to Squamish and then got a ride home. I saw Chris put up a great time. I spoke to an island triathlete who saw my TSC kit and came up to me to sing Luke's praises for pulling his Dad and him up 8) with incredible patience. Overall, great event despite the cost, just wish I had some TSC riders along. There were a few more perks this year, a light meal, a beer, nice t-shirt, multi-tool and a water bottle. Timing and results were excellent Sylvan, nice work. They did however, apparently in error, classify me as male, better check on that!

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:45 pm
by bikehart
Nice report, I will go next year and see if I can keep up with you...

Re: RBC Whistler Granfondo

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:19 pm
by Stéphane Tran
Andrew wrote: They did however, apparently in error, classify me as male, better check on that!
Darn, I've been classifying you as male too.