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Caleb - July 18

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:33 am
by Jimmy
Well, not sure what to report. We had three in the "C" pack, Simon Pearson, Michael Lawless and myself. Large pack of young Zebra's and three very strong O2 guys (Simon, Harry and Alan).
Both the other teams had well defined race plans and both executed them very well. We - had no plan and couldn't organize and therefore got waxed. If that sounds like grumbling, it is. But, I'm there for the workout first and foremost and still enjoyed trying to get a better result. Certainly proves that a team with a plan has a big advantage over individual (opportunity seeking) efforts.
On to the next race....

Re: Caleb - July 18

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:48 am
by Andrew
We only had five in B's and did a couple of attacks. The pace was slow for Caleb, we ended up with a nice lead out for Brent I think from Steve (or Richard) and got third fifth and sixth. Makes a difference when numbers are down.

Re: Caleb - July 18

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:03 pm
by Lund
My lead-out, however heroic and well-intended, was ill-timed, profoundly anticlimactic and almost entirely useless. First around the final corner with Andrew right on my wheel, I cranked up the volume and powered full-bore to the bottom of the hill to the finish line, slingshotting the entire B group past me as the pavement veered suddenly upward. I recovered from the effort just enough not to finish dead last.

Congrats to Brent, John, Andrew and Richard for their Top-10 finishes!

Re: Caleb - July 18

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:01 pm
by JohnT
Caleb, with a fairly strong field of B's, is an interesting challenge. The roller coaster ride is such that it's very difficult to escape because a pack, with the advantage of the draft, can fly up the first part of the climb so much faster than a breakaway (or a lead-out :? ). But, I think it's also a place that once you are out of sight, you are safe. Next time (I think there's only one more) we need to get a couple of guys off the front far enough that the group gives up. The timing is good because some are beginning to think of the GC, which leaves opportunities for others.

The race: Someone hit a poor rabbit on the opening lap. There was a short scream - might have been the rabbit. Richard ran fast for a few laps, setting a pace that was great for people who warmed up and a little hard on those of us who drove. After a few laps Steve and I got away for a few pedal strokes, then Andrew and Steve, then Megan and Steve. Notice a trend here? I thought Steve's last effort might pay off, but one of Megan's team mates decided to bridge up and this brought the pack back up to them. One guy made a run for it at the beginning of the penultimate lap - a strong effort it was, but we all got by him as we entered the bell lap. Another case of the pack swamping the breakaway on the lower half of the climb.

I had a weak lap about half way through, but recovered luckily. Amazing how things can go from good to bad and then back again over 13 laps. Fifth was good given I am coming back from another short break - that takes a bit of an edge off, maybe mental maybe physical, maybe both.

We'll get another win soon.