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Latoria RR report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:03 pm
by Jimmy
We had a total of 6 TS entries in the C group. The initial plan evaporated fairly quickly as everyone got racey right out of the gate. A total of 20 entries with 5 O2's and a bunch of ProCity riders made for a actively mixing bunch. A few small/ weak breaks had no effect and it was lining up for a bunch sprint at the bell lap. By that final lap the group had split slightly and a few got dropped as the pace quickened. We had some ill timed issues that took our frontman out when he mistakenly thought the race had ended and a few bobbles broke the rest of us out of the final sprint. Lots of controversy regarding a final lap pass of the A group and the front of the C's drafting through to the end but it looks like there won't be any changes to the finishing order.
In my thinking, we need to come up with our own rules regarding the issue of going neutral while being overtaken by faster groups but... It needs to be discussed and decided by the participants beforehand if we are to have any concensus.
Otherwise, still a lot of fun and a good workout. Getting stronger and smarter will advance us to the podium. Good work everyone! See you at Caleb next Wed.

Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:10 pm
by rhughes
It is a really good idea that if the race is 8 laps you know how to count higher than 7! Oh well, lesson learned, listen for that bell thingy.


Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:27 pm
by Jimmy
Well that was a problem. :) especially that it was 9 laps but you had a really strong 8th. But what's one stinking lap between friends??
Bet it won't happen again!

Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:06 pm
by JohnT
The bell is the way to go. You wouldn't think flipping a lap counter was a difficult task, that is, until you'd tried it. Even at the Speedway where you can see the entire race, it takes a bit of effort to get it right. I didn't notice errors last night, but they happen and sometimes, when they realize their mistake, the organizers just tack on an extra lap. So, counting good, listening for the bell is better.

Don't feel bad - Last night Gavin sprinted to the finish line in the A race only to discover he was one lap short of a full race.

I have been off my bike for about ten days (with the exception of last Tuesday am) and my plan is to race myself back into shape. So, expectations weren't high for last night. The first few laps were hard, but I settled into a groove and expectations started to go up. Jag chastised me for not pulling on the front - I told him to stay off the brakes in the corners - gotta love those mid-race head games. B's dealt with the A's and the C's well I think - we slowed up on purpose to avoid mixing it up with the C's on their last lap. Credit Chris Paul for being the first to manage the pace.

Richard was a hero out there. Running at the front a fair bit. He seemed to be having fun. Taylor was also among the top five on several occasions and had a mid-race attack that lasted about half a lap. Brian came forward toward the end. His intention was to get a pace-line going, but no one pulled through, which left him dragging the field for half a lap.

I was sitting in the front 5 or 6 for most of the race and held that position at the bell and through most of the final lap. Things were looking really good. But, I suffered for not making the race my race. As the front five slowed on the approach to the last right hand corner (just before the sprint up the hill), I slowed to (waiting for one of them to go for it). Message to self - last corner, last lap - waiting should not be part of the plan.

Chris Paul, more or less beside me, yelled up to Richard: "These guy can't corner. Hammer!" Or something like that. What happened next? Richard did as he was told and lead Chris round the corner. Chris won. Chris made it his race by telling the guy in front what to do. No matter that the guy (Richard) wasn't on his team. He made it happen. I didn't.

Great going Richard. Really. You ran at the front, lead out the winner, and seemed to have fun doing it. That's what it's all about.

I ended up 9th, which was fine given my low expectations. But, with just a little more involvement, it could have been better. Taylor was one who went for it - probably also in response to the Chris Paul Battle Cry. He, and Brent, who had a nice final sprint, got into the top 5 or 6.

Lots of fun, as usual. Maybe not so much for Andrew though. Hopefully he writes a report to explain.


Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:19 pm
by Andrew
It was nice to see such a big pack out. Seemed as thought there was a happy buzz around the Cs and some strong riders in the Bs. I was hanging in the top third of the pack and seemed as though the race was in a nice groove. I am not sure which lap it was on but rounding the right hander up the hill there was a bit of pop up the hill and I moved up the hill quickly and when I got to the top the group seemed to bunch up a bit. I was suddenly being passed by two guys rocking up on my right, then got bumped, complained and then was bumped hard and knocked left just as Brian was knocked right avoiding a cone. As far as I can tell our bars locked together. I had no control or balance. My front wheel was pulled left, the tire skidded, came of the rim and exploded. The rim dragged on the ground, buckled and I was down. Horrible to see Brian down too.

Bad to be out early but it was fun to watch the race and see the TSC crew grinding it out. My instinct was to find another wheel to finish the race, but thought it better to check the fork before riding the bike again. Wheel is being rebuilt and bike is fine. I was grateful for the ride home from Mark F, and all the support. So to explain, it was a racing incident. I don't know if anybody else saw it differently?

It is a tight course, there were a lot of riders out and it was crowded. I think Duane and the crew did an admirable job dealing with the finishes given the convergence of the groups at the end of the C race. It would help to have a motor bike for each pack with a radio. As was noted by others, I am not sure that A, B and C races can continue simultaneously on this short course if the numbers continue to swell. It would help to have a longer and/or wide track, as much as I like this course.

Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:36 am
by Paul C.
Great race reports, containing some valuable racing tips and good suggestions re: race organization. Could Andrew or a Tripleshot Executive formally pass these improvement ideas on to VCL people? I ride Wednesdays with Duane Martindale and Ian Philips [president O2 and Caleb race director]and we often discuss the races.
From a C perspective it is great to see our "beginners" group growing and the A & B's too. One of the big challenges seems to be when the A and B's Lap the C. If this course could be 1 to 2 km longer it would help. Another idea is decide on the Maximum number of riders for safety [say 30 in each race and thats it] This is done in popular Triathlons[although they have preregistration]

Also, I would pay $15 instead of $10. With 90 riders this generates an additional $450 which could be used for more motorcycles and more officials and perhaps some water and snacks for after the race.

Theses Wednesday bike races are great . However I feel we can learn , and use ideas from running races, triathlons and maybe bike races in other places. There must be VCL type races in Vancouver, Seattle etc. that have similar challenges.

On to Caleb, Tripleshot Racers! cheers ,pc

p.s. A tip for Richie, maybe Gavin and others; If you really want to do one less lap,or have trouble counting ,or just have a "seniors moment" ,do as I did at Latoria [not intentionally] and get lapped by your own group!!It's that simple.

Re: Latoria RR report

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:12 pm
by JohnT
Certainly attendance is higher than in the past, so it's great to come up with expansion proposals, but in past seasons I've noticed that race attendance goes down as the summer progresses. We might have just hit the peak.