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Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 5:50 pm
by conway
Renfrew Ramble 600

Last weekend I rode the Renfrew Ramble 600k. The highlights of the ride were:

1. We (six riders) started at 6:30 am on Saturday and I finished at 6:05pm on Sunday (35.35 hours). I rode the brevet with a friend for the complete distance of 606ks.
2. The route was from Victoria-Port Renfrew-Cowichan Bay-Duncan-Nanaimo-Coombs-Courtenay-Comox-Courtenay-down the highway to Shawnigan Lake-Victoria. Most of the route to Comox was by the back roads. We were only on the highway for very few Ks.
3. The route was hilly or as one of the riders remarked “there was an upward tendency to many of the roads”. On route we climbed a total of 15,500 feet. For the fool hardy who wish to ride to Port Renfrew just remember there is one short climb with an average grade of 20% with a maximum grade of 25%!! The ride to Cowichan Lake from Part Renfrew is very scenic. On route one passes fast flowing rivers, deep canyons. The road, although chip sealed, is very smooth. There were not many cars on the road but we were treated to the constant raw of high powered motor cycles. After a brief stop in Cowichan Lake we shirted Duncan and rode by the back roads to Chemainus.
4. The weather was great – no rain. At night the temperature dropped to 10C so we were very comfortable riding through the night.
5. Staying hydrated and eating sufficient food was a challenge. We had scheduled stops at Port Renfrew, Cowichan Lake, Chemainus, Coombs and Comox on the outbound route. The control at 300k was in Coombs which we reached at about 11pm. We were assured that the new pub would be open. It was, but it only served drinks after 9pm. This was a big problem. We needed real food as we had last eaten at Chemainus (220K). Decision - order a pint (liquid bread) and beg for food. This worked, we were provided with a free bowl of nachos and salsa. After downing the beer, we set off for Comox the next control. Once again, no restaurants or gas stations were open. This was very disappointing. Normally the ride organizer pre-rides the route to ensure the location of the “controls” is at facilities that are open 24 hours (gas stations, Tim Horton’s.) W e rode back to Courtenay (380K) and stopped at Tim Horton’s B&B! (3am).We first had breakfast, food at last, and then to bed. We napped for an hour in a booth. This was after answering the questions of the Tim Horton’s early risers’. "What are you doing riding through the night and why?” "You rode up from Victoria – is that possible?”
6. After our nap (4:30am) we rode down the highway, through Nanaimo and took the Cobble Hill exit to Shawnigan Lake. After an ice cream and a drink we rode around the lake to tackle the Shawnigan hill (580K). This was such a challenge we had no enthusiasm for taking a detour up Goldstream Heights! The ride down the Malahat was the worst part of the ride. This was due to the volume and speed of the traffic (Sunday afternoon 5:30pm). We made it down safely and then rode to the finish at a B&B in Esquimalt for a well earned beer and real food.


Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:13 pm
by Rolf
I do believe that having pints half way through a 600 km ride, whatever the circumstances, qualifies as genuinely heroic.

Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:41 pm
by barton bourassa
Outstanding Mark! This is amazing. Makes our little Saturday Goldstream seem like a cake walk. Thanks for posting.

Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:55 pm
by AlW
I am truly impressed that you completed a ride of such magnitude. I'm even more impressed that you managed to find 5 other crazies to do it with!

Nicely done.

Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:39 pm
by jj12
Nice work Mark!

Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:47 pm
by Krostini
and he writes good too
Thanks for the details!

Re: Renfrew Ramble 600

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:18 pm
by Paul C.
Thanks for the interesting post, Mark

I look forward to Rolf's,often humerus, remarks and observations on this somewhat EPIC ride!!! Until then a few of my own thoughts:

1. Is it true that you slept one hour in a Tim Horton's in Comox? There is a great Tim's on the Gorge in Victoria that is open 24 hrs. It would save you a lot of time,tire rubber and possibly money to just stay within the CRD for your naps and apple fritters. Just a thoughtful suggestion for next time.

2.What is the average age of these "people"? Do they not work? Do they have spouses ,kids....maybe a cat or dog? Does one need counseling of some sort before or after these so called "rides'.

3. Is it also TRUE that this event is just a warm up for ramblings in the Cascade Mountains of Washington state?? I would think there must be some other Tripleshot members considering this insanity?? Maybe me?

Happy riding, Mark, .....pc