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May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:04 pm
by mlawless
Who is going to brave this outrageous weather and come out to this event tonight? Is there a plan to ride out? Anyone...anyone at all...Buehler...

I plan on going out to be pack fill - whether I am driving or riding depends on how early I can sneak out of work.


Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:37 pm
by JohnT
Clare is coming out again. Thanks for all the time you spent with her two weeks ago Mike. That's part of the reason she's keen again today. I won't be there, Heidi will. She's not racing, just to spite me I think.


Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:35 pm
by AndreaR
I'm planning to brave the elements and come out. I'll be riding out, but not leaving work until 5, hopefully I won't be too late. Anyone want to keep me company?

Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 4:11 pm
by BearPope Recruit
The women's clinic will be there tonight so should have 25+ riders! Those riding out plan to meet at the switch bridge at 5:15.

Cheers, Jen #37

Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:15 pm
by AndreaR
That was super awesome fun! Thank you to everyone who coached us all through the pulls and turns. I think Windsor might be a real consideration now :D

Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:08 pm
by JohnT
Clare had a fantastic time again. Thanks to everyone for the support. She's keen on the velodrome now. It's clear that it's the people that are making it such a great experience for her, but I have to add that the fact that the course isn't a consideration for Clare just shows how good a site the Speedway is for newbies.



Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:10 am
by BearPope Recruit
Great night! Glad everyone had FUN and a huge THANK YOU to everybody who helped out and made it a success! The extra riders and support really makes a big difference.

John, Clare did great! Looks like you've started her young on understanding strategy - I offered her to sit on my wheel and her eyes lit up and a huge grin spread across her face like it was Christmas morning. I knew exactly how she felt.

Next Speedway session with the women's clinic is scheduled for Monday, May 28th. Everybody welcome to come out! Any feedback to improve for next time is also appreciated.

Cheers, Jen #37

Re: May 14th - Speedway Tripleshot Cycling Intro Race Series

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:28 am
by glenowyn
It was great to see so many people out racing and helping out. It has been super encouraging hearing from the women in the clinic that there background is far from being a cyclist. ballet, pole vaulting.. and yet at each of the venues they are getting over the fear of trying and thinking of trying racing. The last 2 Mondays, Paula has had a big smile on her face as she taken on getting speed and going fast. What a difference.

I thought a good quote came from Andrew a National Team Triathlete who came out to help. We had done team pursuits and were gathered in a corner to talk about how things went. One of the women asked "when is it okay to let go and not go after the wheel in front of you"
Andrew from Quebec replied "You do whatever it takes to get back on that wheel. My coach tells me if there is a bumble bee you use that bumble bee to draft off of and pull you back. You use whatever it takes to get back on that wheel."
Maybe raccoons aren't so great a choice.