Annual Observatory Hill Cycling Safety Message

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Little G
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:42 am

Annual Observatory Hill Cycling Safety Message

Post by Little G »

This was sent to me from O2 cycling to forward to everyone as a reminder.

Hello Riders,

In spite of the less than indicative weather I am told that spring is here and that means it’s time to get this annual message out.

Once again I would like to start by saying thank you to all of you who have supported and circulated our messages in the past. It goes a long way to have your support particularly because those who are less attentive to our rules are likely to be more compliant when the message also comes from within.

This past year our security contractor had a few unfavourable incidents with a couple of riders. These episodes were individuals vrs groups and I’m not sure this message with get to them but I hope so. The Commissionaires provide security on contract to NRC. They provide a presence on the hill, share information and act as our first response to site issues outside our normal business hours. So when they see inappropriate or unsafe acts, on our behalf they have been directed to request the individuals who may be committing those acts to cease doing so and where appropriate they do have the right to request people to leave the site. Please provide our Commissionaires the respect they deserve.

We do recognize the cycling community is not the sole user of our road way and we attempt to get a similar message to all the users. It is our expectation that all users abide by the rules, respect each other and access the site safely.

It is important to note that our business and facility are essentially a 24/7 operation. A closed gate does not mean there will not be vehicular traffic on the road nor does the gate impede the walkers, hikers and wildlife from access. Our busiest commuting period is Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 9:30 am and 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm. Group cycling activities should avoid these periods. In addition, during peak summer months, the Visitor Centre is open to the public from noon until past dark, Tuesday through Saturday and as the general public are less aware of the hazards of our road more caution than normal is warranted.

A reminder of a few important rules to abide by when accessing Observatory Hill:

Ride according to the posted speed limits at all times but particularly through the building site where there is abundant pedestrian traffic and a blind corner.

Cycling traffic is restricted from proceeding around the 1.8 m Dome, consistent with motor vehicle traffic rules. Signage has been installed indicating this is for pedestrians only.

We are also requesting that cyclists who are training or in groups, use the circle turn-about located between the White House and the smaller telescope dome (near the concrete water tank) as their upper point of return.

Absolutely no off-road cycling is permitted on site what so ever.

If training in groups please try keep your numbers spread out so as not to impede traffic and permit passing. Do not congest the travelled portions – use the parking lot areas for rest or discussion.

Always stay within your lane.

As we have stated many times before we are happy to continue to welcome cycling enthusiasts to the hill but it is at our discretion and the safety of all is our utmost priority. Observatory Hill is the property of National Research Council Canada and for all intent and purpose, it is private property.

We look forward to another mutually respectful season and to your continued support in encouraging all cyclists to abide by our rules and to exercise caution at all times.

I would appreciate it if you can disseminate this message as widely as possible. If you are aware of other contacts you feel should be on this circulation, please provide them to me and I will add them to the distribution list. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Clyde Donnelly
Site Infrastructure Manager

Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Institut Herzberg d'astrophysique
National Research Council Canada Conseil national de recherches Canada
5071 W Saanich Rd, Victoria, V9E 2E7

Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada

Phone 1 250 363 0004\Cel 1 250 888 1093\Fax 1 250 363 0077