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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:51 pm
by JohnT
Another one of those races where one could be forgiven for not showing up. The hockey game, the clouds and occasional rain, and the fact that it was mid-week, and crazy rush-hour traffic for those who drive, all might have turned you back. Yet, it was another case where those who did make it were rewarded - perfect conditions for racing. Dry roads, sunny, cool but not too cool temperature, and a great event.

I'll keep this one short: Brian, Brent, Bill and a few people whose names don't start with B, Trevor and I, were in the B race. Luke was in A. Roland, Kevin, Adam d. V. and Brad Head (friends of TS in their various other team kits) were there. I saw another guy (really tall) in TS kit too. Sorry, don't know his name.

The B race was fast, but not too fast. Not too hard to stay near the front, but no one was brave enough to try to jump the group. IRC brought a few secret weapons - Chris and Ronda out for their first races of the season. Good move: John Guthrie won, Chris was second and this was thanks, in part, to a lead out from Lionel. Good going guys. There's some good news for us though: Trevor, Brian and I were the next three across the line. Big thanks to Bill who dragged the group around most of the last lap just to help me get enough points for a cat. 3 license. This result, I think, puts Brian and I in a tie for first overall.

Other comment: We chatted but didn't come up with a plan before hand. I think there are two reasons for this. We are reluctant to ask others to work for us and, we're not sure how strong we are until the race is over. But, the data are beginning to show that even though 25 fast people show up every week, there are always as many as three of us in the top five or six. At some point we owe it to ourselves to see what we can do with a clear plan. It might not work, but even if we end up off the back, we know that if we'd just ridden around, we'd have done well, and where's the fun in knowing the result before the race even starts?

Oh, I should add that Trevor did a fair bit of work on the front mid-race and still had the legs for a great final sprint (came to mind when I was thinking about taking chances in a race). The photos of that sprint might be interesting. A few racers didn't have the legs to finish the job they'd started and a car showed up at an especially bad time. Some were slowed and some (e.g., me) passed people that they otherwise might not have.


Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:09 pm
by Stéphane Tran
Thanks for the report John, Wish I could have been there.
JohnT wrote:Other comment: We chatted but didn't come up with a plan before hand. I think there are two reasons for this. We are reluctant to ask others to work for us and, we're not sure how strong we are until the race is over.JT
Ok then, Let's make a plan for Windsor Park! The legs are feeling good these days and I will work for whomever.

Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:51 pm
by bill
Thanks for the report. Glad I was of assistance. Okay next time lets win

Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:45 am
by trevor
It was an awesome evening - great conditions. Strong efforts by Bill and Brent in the final few laps set up a strong finale. An early jump by IRC rider John Guthrie got him enough distance to hold on for the win. I had some trouble keeping my rear wheel on the ground and got nipped in the final lengths to the line. But again, 3 Tripleshotters in the top 5! Well done everyone.

JT and I have chatted about an organized move over the last few weeks. I'd like to see something come together as well. Friday's coffee would be a good place to start.

And if anyone thinks I am being naive or "green" in thinking this would all work out for the best just let me know.

Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:01 am
by JohnT ... &k=FCdsfK9

Lionel from IRC is sits up here (gets this far and then DNFs) after providing John G. with a lead out. But, there's a car on the course preventing him from getting out of the way, so at an inconvenient moment the two of us behind him have to hit the brakes. I went wide, but jumped back in as quickly as I could (just in case Duane is reading this :?

I'll be in Van. on Friday, but I am keen on a plan that helps one of our sprinters at Windsor Park. Let me know what you guys come up with (but maybe best not to post it here :wink:


Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:30 pm
by Stéphane Tran
No-one mentioned Luke's 4th place in the As! Cool man!

Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:46 am
by luke.koolman
Thanks Stephane, It was a good race, fast, short and lots of attacks! I felt strong the whole race matching and pulling back attacks, and enter the last turn in forth position (one more off the front) but once again got boxed in and could not really open up my sprint. I am happy with the result but am really looking for that win. Im hoping to get that chance this sunday!


Re: Latoria_April18

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:12 pm
by bill
Wish I was faster Luke and able to help. Tha is Race A's! Great Job on Wednesday. Good luck on Sunday.