Armstrong, Always Classy

YouTube videos, Pickle juice discussion, doping accusations, etc.

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Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by sylvan »

Nice cheap shot at Kimmage, ten times the man Lance could ever hope to be.
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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by JohnT »

Since you brought it up, what happened after that big investigation? I thought the US Post Service fraud trial (or whatever it was) would get to the bottom of our debate about Lance's guilt.

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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by jeremy »

Here's a interesting Lance article, about livestrong not the fraud case ... -Rats.html
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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by JohnT »

Yes, I am old: It took me this long to realize who juanpelto is. But, having figured out what I was looking at (Twits! Or is that tweets? Is there a difference?), I now wonder/worry about you Sylvan. You can't stand the guy, yet you're reading his daily/hourly ramblings? I bet you get them on your cell phone - one more reason for me not to get one of those fancy shmancy new-fangled devices.

Last edited by JohnT on Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by sylvan »

JohnT wrote:You can't stand the guy, yet you're reading his daily/hourly ramblings? I bet you get them on your cell phone
I don't follow Lance or his smarmy alter ego. His cheap shot at Kimmage was re-posted by several other people in the sport who are worth the time to follow.
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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by jeremy »

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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by leftcoaster »

As the government found in the Barry Bonds case, all you need is one juror out of 12 to prevent a conviction.

The decision to close the U.S. Federal investigation was based on the chances of conviction in a criminal court, as well as expenditures vs perceived seriousness of his crime. No one in cycling believes Lance Armstrong (and much of the peleton at the time) were not doping.
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Re: Armstrong, Always Classy

Post by leftcoaster »

more on ain't over 'til it's over ... ation.aspx

Watch what Armstrong does and the rational he uses. This will tell all........
There have been suggestions that Armstrong’s lawyers could try to stop evidence being handed over…

DH: Well, I think if people try to stop stuff happening, it means that there is something to be hidden. In very general terms, that would surprise me. If there is nothing to worry about, then surely everybody would be only too happy that evidence can be passed to people who can properly use it.
