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Forum "Rules"

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:48 pm
by Plawless
Before making any declaratory statements about Forum usage I thought it best to see what the members of the club thought.

My starting point is that I am of the view that if you ride with us you can say what you want on here. However I think everyone has right to know who is posting. So, for example, people can treat my posts with a suitable measure of disdain etc because you know they come from me.

Similarly while I am personally not very keen on people we dont know posting here I can see there being some value to outsiders (but I dont know whythey would want to). Having said that, however, I feel that if you want to post you should introduce yourself or otherwise be identifiable. (I confess to having a great deal of difficulty with anonymous posters everywhere - if you believe it enough to write it have the courage to sign it)

So before I make an arbitrary decisions I thought I should get some input. What are other people's thoughts?



Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:09 pm
I agree mr Plawless. (I have is his plaws if he ever wants them back) We'd like to know our tripleshotters better both online and onride.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:41 pm
by norman marcy
with out doubt
sincerely Norman Marcy

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:50 pm
by dreeves
In this group, it doesn't matter if you are fast on the bike, but you had better be prepared to be quick with words; that is where most of us take the real heat. I don't mind being called Pooky, but the person needs to have the 'cojones' to own it!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:51 pm
by JohnT
It seems to me that getting off topic was more of an issue today than anonymous callers...... Lister. Hell, if you take off your helmet and step away from your Berg, Litespeed, Cannondale, Maroni etc. I can't recognize any of you!


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:05 pm
by phox
As dramatically (or not) revealed elsewhere, I'm named Paul Nienaber, and further to that, I believe it's entirely irrelevant.

Largely because they're not involving locals who might ever care to continue a thread in person, my name is hardly ever the topic of discussion in various online discussions. I come from a generation where (at least among those who spend their time discussing serious subjects) one is, thankfully, judged by their ideas and opinions, not by some "reputation" they may have amassed, often as the sum of previous irrational yet lauded opinions.

The valid point you've made here, though, is that -- as this is a local group -- people should be willing to stand behind their opinions. Using that as a basis for assessing the validity of an argument, however, is just an excuse for not thinking.


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:54 pm
by bill
I agree. Let us all be friends and be judged by what counts: Our stunning good looks and luck with the ladies. All kidding aside. I do like the idea of knowing who is saying what so I can take it out on them when we meet for our morning rides and discuss over coffee.

Cheers Pooky's friend with hug cajones :twisted: For those who do know it is I Bill

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:57 pm
by Rob Mickelberry
Youch, that's heavy stuff!

I agree with Peter and Bill. Paul, we are a group of riders who cycle together for a multitude of reasons. Personally, it's good for my soul (and my heart). When there is an accident, part of the healing/future prevention is dealt with through this forum. The last time we had a phantom poster join our blog, we had to send the Pookster after him!


Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:01 pm
by David Hill
Yes. You are all jerks.


Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:24 am
by dreeves
I am open to all perspectives. However, I will never HUG Bill's 'Cajones" especially because 'CAJONES' are drawers, as in where you store your knives and forks. I may be enticed to hug your COJONES...ah, the beauty of language subtleties![/quote]

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:48 am
by Lister Farrar
Usually being identified keeps things a little more polite. But not always.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:55 am
by Lister Farrar
JohnT wrote:It seems to me that getting off topic was more of an issue today than anonymous callers...... Lister.
Just trying to understand where I crossed the line. You said:
I don't know if there are any lessons for us from this. Perhaps we could attempt to play a more active role in guiding cars around us - moving over quickly when it's safe for them to to pass and discouraging passing when it isn't (curves, hills).
Then I talked about options like signalling and challenging the no-two-abreast rule that was presented to Bob, on his stretcher, by the police officer.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:49 am
by Roland
Have some posts "disappeared" lately.

Since Peter is listed as the moderator, the only rule should be: "#1: Peter makes the rules."