As you know we need to do elections for our executive on Saturday. We have had a great year (from my perspective) and I am pleased to advise that nearly all of the current executive is willing to stay on for another year. However we are saying goodbye (from the Executive only!) to Sarah West, Kim Gard and Dylan Reeves. Accordingly we have at least 3 spots to fill.
The persons wishing to stay on (and who I really feel have done a stellar job this year) are:
President - Peter L
VP - Lister F
Director - Geoff W
Treasurer - Bill E
The following 3 persons (who I personally am super keen on having elected) are also willing to have their names stand:
1. Jen Erlendson
2. Dave Spiers
3. John Dower
I am hopeful that you will agree that all of these folks have already displayed a commitment to all of the activities of this club (riding, racing, helping others) such that they are appropriate to be on our executive. On this point my personal bias is that if people want to be on the Executive a good start is by volunteering for the club's benefit and I am very pleased that all of these folks have done so.
I will call for other nominees at the AGM but if you are wanting to run against any of these people may I ask that you post your intention to do so? That way I can make sure that we have ballots ready in advance.
Needless to say we shoudl all feel free to talk about this and speak to everyone etc. THese are the people that have expressed an interest in leading our club for the next year so lets make sure you know them and are ahppy to let them slave away for countless hours on your behalf
Peter L.
TSC Executive Elections
Moderator: mfarnham