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First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Jan 2

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:02 pm
by Lister Farrar
Join us for 3 nights and four days of good training, food and company with fellow Tripleshotters at the brand new Vancouver Island Mountain Centre at Mt Washington.

The centre was built to provide training facilities and accommodation for sports groups.

Cross country skiing is a great complimentary sport to cycling, and you know you want some sun and scenery, as a break from the rain and dark. :)

Joanna and I have booked it for the nights of Friday, Dec 30 to Sunday Jan 1, which makes three nights, four days of skiing if you go up early Friday and come back after the trails close at 3 Monday (a holiday).

The price is $34 per night per person if we hit the minimum of 25 places. Accommodation in rooms with 4 bunks.

Meals will be shared with groups of 4 or 5 taking turns doing meals.

15 places are taken so far, 25 minimum required. Deposit of $40 per person due Friday.

Options for activities include XC skate or classic technique lessons (and rentals), ski tours into Strathcona Park, which are great off-season training, and downhill as well.

For those going to the Burnaby track camp, you can catch the ferry Friday from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo. There is storage for bikes in the centre. Bike clothes are virtually the same as xc ski clothes. I'm a trained xc ski coach, so can help with a program and negotiating rentals and lessons.

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:27 pm
by Lister Farrar
19 places spoken for: Fox-Farrars (4), Pauly's (4), Weber-Browns (2), Evan Carey, Macleod Bialokoz's (4), Penty-Seifferts (4).

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:53 am
by Lister Farrar
We're up to the minimum. 15 more places though. Same price, couldn't swing a discount. Apparently they are already giving us a deal under their planned holiday rate.

Fox Farrars 4
Pauly's 4
Penty Seifferts 4
Weber Browns 3
Grant-Fletchers 5
Macleod Bialokoz's 4
Evan Carey 1


Did I forget anyone?

PS. Did you know cross country skiers have the highest max VO2 of all sports?

PPS In case you haven't seen it the nordic lodge at Mt Washington is beautiful, quite a bit nicer than the Stalinist french fry smelling downhill lodge. Even got a fireplace and nice chairs for nap between skis. :)
raven lodge.jpg
PPPS I suppose you could even do this if you're nuts and can deal with fast snowplows:

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:01 pm
by Rolf
Lister Farrar wrote:quite a bit nicer than the Stalinist french fry smelling downhill lodge.
I just snorted some spicy Soppressata through my nose... thanks, Lister. :lol: I asked wife about this and we figure the kids are still too little (nobody wants to hear my 4 year-old's tantrums because her sister's skis are longer). But another year...

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:22 pm
by Lister Farrar
Rolf wrote:
Lister Farrar wrote:quite a bit nicer than the Stalinist french fry smelling downhill lodge.
I just snorted some spicy Soppressata through my nose... thanks, Lister. :lol: I asked wife about this and we figure the kids are still too little (nobody wants to hear my 4 year-old's tantrums because her sister's skis are longer). But another year...
Glad to hear I helped with those clogged sinuses.

Haven't you heard 4 year-olds only perform like that for family? Liam just volunteered to babysit, as long as you don't mind the the getting ready for bed activity being Olympic-scale luge runs on the hill above the lodge. ("Dad, I did not!")

Seriously, Hugh Hart is considering it, and he has Jonny the four year old from Satan (to hear them say it anyway.) I think he's cute, even if he's a bit pugilistic and allergic to bed. He can ski like hell already too.

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:26 pm
by Lister Farrar
35 folks booked for the ski weekend, and 4 of those are maybe's, and probably only 1 night, so some space left; 40 beds total. Let me know if you're interested and we'll see what we can fit in.

Matters not to me or the budget; we pay per person per night. (Though we'd like as many TS'rs as we can get.) $34 per person per night, and we are well over the minimum 25.

Details elsewhere in this thread.


Evan Carey

Jim Pauly
Bernie Pauly

Robbie Grant
Nancy Fletcher

David Brown
Kate Weber
Elizabeth Brown

Barb Bialokoz
David macleod
Chris macleod
Bianca Macleod

Ros Penty
Bruce Sieffert
Owen Sieffert
Claire Sieffert

Bruce Schlatter
2 children

Deb Harris
Andrew Pirie


Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:27 pm
by Lister Farrar
Just heard from the manager: got snow last night and today.

Re: First Annual Tripleshot Ski Camp Mt Washington Dec 30-Ja

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:04 pm
by wonger
We've got a proper storm going up here. It rained most of Christmas Eve, but it has been snowing and cold all day today. Christmas day we got about 10 cm's as well so the skiing is actually pretty good.