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Tuesday Death March

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:07 am
by mlawless

So what was with the pace line at UVic - were you all channeling your inner Peter or what :evil:

I think we should take a page from the playbook of a (or any) small South american dictatorship and when El Presidente is away we stage a coup - In other words go easy, extra long coffee, you know the good life until the Big Kahuna makes it back from the demands of summer cycling in Hawaii.

Although I will deny it in public, I enjoyed the ride and the increased pace(I cannot locate an emoticon that means vomiting...) and will see you all on Wednesday on Caddy Bay Hill :cry:


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:01 am
by Plawless
Death march??? Sweet. but I dont think the whole "coup" idea is worth pursuing....I may have to get my secret police out (and they know who they are - and who you are...)- that is "One".

I dont understand it was a beautiful ride. sunny, warm, nice tradewinds blowing. sunny and 77 what is bad about that?

as for chanelling me - go for it. you will never feel better in your lives!

My hills are daily doses of 8k at 6% with a few other Tolmie like hills thrown in for good measure.

I am also registered for a crit on the Marine Base on the other side of the island on Sunday. its held on a runway so I am thinking its pretty flat (YAY!). Only tough part is that I will be bagged by then plus having to ride over the mountains to get to the race but hey - how do you say no?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:25 pm
by JohnT
damn, you have to ride over there. aah, that sucks. i'll bet it will be a tough race too. shit. and don't forget that ride home afterward. man o man, crazy.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:18 pm
by JohnT
the wink was supposed to make that light-hearted, but i'm not sure it worked. four weeks off the bike is having an effect. :cry:

enjoy the new uvic tempo and the hawaii race .... really


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:56 am
by Lister Farrar
Here ya go Mike.


Not to make too fine a point, but more like a death 'sprint' than a 'march' don't you think?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:02 pm
by mlawless

That has to be the best emoticon I have ever seen - it is so real and lifelike - I see it and re-live my Tuesday experience.

Oh, as for the sprint vs march comment - I am pretty sure the group would generally agree that there is no 'sprint' in me - I can lumber, plod, sneak, and sometimes march (in step to the tune of my own drummer) - but I cannot sprint (come to think of it, I can't climb either - hmmm). I can descend somewhat (if it is straigt and wide - hey I think I just described me :oops: )

See you Friday at the March!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:42 pm
by Lister Farrar
Well, there are are alternative ride formats if you want to work on sprinting or revisit your bulimic tendencies.

The Wednesday hill ride is one, though somewhat discouraging if your initials aren't JT or you're not a purely self-flagellating triathlete. (;) to Brian.)

For example, rather than sprint for the hill tops on the usual water ride, we could pick flattish spots to have a sprint, then re-group. Sort of like the final coffee sprint, but more often. Maybe with start points too so Bruce doesn't win all the time with a 3 km flyer.

There would be the incentive of the group, a hard jump and sprint with semi-gentlemanly tactics, but then we could re-group to ride socially to the next sprint.

Traditionally cycling clubs sprint for town signs on group rides. Perhaps we could sprint for agreed hydro poles, where the run-in is safe etc. Maybe half-way along Blenkinsop, the bottom of Ash (Hey, then we can taste blood all the way up it, and not just at the top! :shock: ), cattle point monument, golf course straight away, or some variation.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:13 pm
by bill
Come on why can't we have up hill sprints. It is our time while JT is <a><img></a>

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:14 pm
by bill
I mean Image

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:10 pm
by JohnT
Very nice.

Let us know how the race goes Peter.