The Hard Men of Winter

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The Hard Men of Winter

Post by Plawless »

This morning's ride was two tough men (well 1 1/2) - Big John Taylor & Wheelsuck Peter L. I know that winter work produces summer speed so it was great to be out there but at the same time the ego took a beating. When I could no longer keep up with Big John into the blasting headwinds he was kind enough (or possibly extra cruel enough) to wait for me and drag me 10-15k around the waterfront into the 60 km/h headwind. He actually seemed happy! I think he might be sick in the head a little bit.

I also take comfort in that fact that the rest of you (and I made up new names for each of you as I rode) were working on keeping the Holiday Bellies warm & safe which will only increase your pain later - muaaaa haaa haaa haa
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Post by JohnT »


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Post by eric.partlow »

The hard men off winter are actually the ones that jump into Gonzales Bay at noon on New Years Day. It's been a local neighborhood tradition for many years - this will be my tenth. You are all invited to join us for a quick dip and also welcome to come over to the Post Polar Bear swim party/open house at our house from 12:15 to 3:00; 1601 Ross St (Dolly and Eric's at corner of Ross and St Charles.
See you there,
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Brian S
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Post by Brian S »

Is this swim wet suit legal? The tri-geeks will get that one. Thanks for the invite Eric, and Happy New Year. We are snow bound in the middle of Vancouver--this place is unbelievable!
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Post by eric.partlow »

Swim suits are not allowed. The water seemed very cold this year but thankfully the wind and rain had stopped by noon. There was a great showing by TSC members with Galen, Mike B., and myself all swimming and a few others turned up to cheer us on and celebrate the new year at our place.
The ride this morning was just about as cold with the wind and rain but the pavement was free of ice and snow to Ash and back. Dave, Alan, Peter and I were able to push a little harder today without having to stay fixated on the ice watch while we ride. We just had to worry about frostbite but I still couldn't beat Pete in the sprint even though he had an icecicle on his seat.
Forecast for tomorrow is for colder with a low of one degree. Will have to have a close look at conditions before we leave but I think we will be OK taking our "usual cold weather route" sticking to the coast.
Brian, hope your able to dig out soon and catch a ferry back to sunny Victoria.
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Post by eric.partlow »

I meant to say "wet suits are not allowed" for the polar bear swim. we would be sure to make the news if it was a bare butt swim.
I think my brain is numb from the double hit of cold today.