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Strava - now with free unlimited uploads!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:41 pm
by beegull
In case you haven't heard of it, Strava is a website that allows you to upload and share your Garmin or iPhone or whatever GPS data. It adds a competitive and/or social dimension by allowing users to define segments and then automatically calculating personal bests and fastest times for those segments based on any rides you upload. Now I'm sure not everyone is as enamored with RAW DATA!!! as I am, but it can be neat to get an objective look at rides that subjectively felt fast.

Previously, free accounts were hamstrung by only allowing limited uploads per month, but just today they've removed that restriction and added other bonus stuff for the paid membership instead.

Tripleshot already has a nascent club page (started by Sylvan maybe?) here, but it would be great to see more Tripleshotters on there. I've already added segments for interesting sections of some of the weekday rides, like the Tuesday sprint laps, and the Beacon Hill laps, so you can kinda see how that works by looking at any of my data for a Tripleshot ride, like this one.

(I am not affiliated with Strava in any way.)


Re: Strava - now with free unlimited uploads!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:33 pm
by Katie
Strava is actually pretty cool. When you upload garmin files, it automatically identifies and calculates the categories of the hills you climbed, according to UCI definitions. If someone else has done that climb, you can compare your time/speed/hr etc against their time. For cross races, you can compare lap times with other racers that have uploaded files too.

I uploaded my BC Bike Race garmin files and Strava picked out the big climbs each day, marked them with a category number (cat 1-4, no HCs in BCBR Challenge!). Since 7 other BCBR racers have uploaded their garmin files, I can compare my climbs to theirs and marvel at how fast some people can climb.

Interestingly, Day 4:Earls Cove-Sechelt had 3 Category 4 climbs and 1 Category 3 climb. No wonder that was my least favourite day! Though, Day 5:Sechelt-Langdale had the most climbing (1663m over 39km) and that was no picnic either. :)

Re: Strava - now with free unlimited uploads!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:22 am
by sylvan
Strava does rock pretty hard in some ways. I just uploaded a bunch of rides from Hawaii. One of them gave a "Suffer Score" of 305 on the following scale:

Leisurely 0-49
Moderate 50-99
Tough 100-149
Extreme 150-249
Epic 250+

That's about how I remember it, too. It finished mostly downhill in the dark, no light, bouncing over some sizable road kill: