Rona MS Bike Tour - please help :)

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Rona MS Bike Tour - please help :)

Post by AndreaR »

Hi everyone,

You may or may not know me but I like to ride bikes with you a couple times a week. I usually wear a green windbreaker and Barton calls me Allison. Anyway, on August 13th and 14th, I will be participating in the MS Bike Tour in the Cowichan Valley. This tour is a fundraiser to help those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and to help fund research to end this disease. This will be my 5th year participating and to celebrate that milestone, I will be completing the century ride. 100km is pretty far for me and I need your help to get there! Yes, I'm soliciting you guys and gals for money, and I promise it's only once a year. If you're interested in donating, please click on the link below: ... 244501&L=2

Thank you so much for reading this far and if you do donate, know that you're helping me get through those last few km's!

To learn more about MS, click here:
