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Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:23 pm
by gav_eaton
Ok, so the last day hasn't been so lucky in the Erlendson/Eaton front. Two crashes in less than 12 hours!

Unfortunately, Jen was taken out by a taxi last night on our way out to the veledrome. We were heading north on the Goose, and just before crossing Dublin, we slowed as we noticed a taxi stopped at the crossing. Both of us assumed he was waiting for us to cross, so both proceeded, but much to our horror just as Jen was about to cross, he drove forward. Jen did her best to brake and turn, but slammed into the front corner panel with her hip and as her front wheel collapsed, went over the bars and hit the ground very hard. She was taken to hospital in ambulance due to the scare given her last concussion only three months ago. After a few hours in ER, she's home now - though very bruised and battered and concerned about another head knock in short a short time period. Very lucky considering if he had gone a second later and she would have been through the windshield.

Then this morning, I thought I would graciously try and make her feel better about her wounds by attempting to out do them with my own. Just coming out of the corner off Cadboro Bay onto Lansdown I came out of the corner a little to fast and after my usual hop over the deep rut there overlapped Dave Spiers wheel and lost balance. I tried my best to counter with my bike so I wouldn't take him out as well - but couldn't save myself and hit the ground very very hard and slid quite a ways down the road. Outcome after a few hours in the ER is a massive amount of road rash, a severely bruised glute, a mildly separated/bruised shoulder, a shaken skull and a completed shattered ego. Fortunately my bike fared much better than I, and really only has some minor scratches and out of true wheels. Given the speed and manner in which I crashed, I feel pretty luck to have come away with neither broken bone nor bike.

In all seriousness guys, just wanted to say a huge thanks to both Vegan Dave who stopped to help Jen and I last night AND everyone who stopped to help scrape me (and more importantly, my bike) up off the road this morning. Especially to Ryan, Bruce and Josh for taking time out of their ride to escort me home (was there someone else too - I actually don't remember a whole lot?). Things took a serious turn for the worse once I got home, and I'm very appreciative that you guys made sure I got home safe. Thanks all - it means a lot to have a great team always looking out for each other! Despite the wonderful support both Jen and I had with our incidents - I'm ordering us both Road-Id's today. It's scary to think what would have happened if either of us had been riding alone - as we both often do.

I also wanted to offer my sincere apologies for the danger I put you guys in this morning. I feel very embarrassed that I made such a bone-head move - it was 100% my fault and I don't think you'll see me do anything that dumb anytime soon. I'm very relieved that my stupidity didn't take anyone else down - especially poor Dave who's already have enough taste of pavement for the year!

So think we'll both probably be off the bike for the rest of the week at the very least, but hopefully on the mend soon. Thanks again to all those that helped us - we both really appreciate the help and support we got!

Thanks guys!

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:36 pm
by Lister Farrar
Dang, that's tough Gavin and Jenn. Hope you mend well. Outside and in.

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:00 pm
by Rolf
Jeez guys. Tough breaks all round. Happy healing.

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:20 pm
by JohnT
Thanks for the update Gavin - it was an awful scene this morning. Sorry to hear about Jen's accident. If you guys need anything, let us know.


Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:39 pm
by wonger
Thanks for the report Gav. Glad to hear that it could have been much worse and that you're both healing. Let me know if you need to add to the gear order!!

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:54 pm
by jeremy
ouch, hope you both feel better soon.

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:16 am
by Rita
Sorry to hear about those crashes. Wish you both a speedy recovery!

Re: Two trips to the ER in 12 hours!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:10 pm
by Ramsey A
Damn! Hope that the two of you are on the mend. Glad to read that the Ridley came out less bruised than you! Having rounded a few bends on your wheel, Gavin, totally on the rivet, red-lined and going cross-eyed to match your pace, I can attest to your consumate bike-handling skill.. Heal up and dish out some more pain pie!