BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

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BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by Plawless »

Just a reminder that I had a FIRM COMMITMENT from the club to make sure that we provided enough marshalls to host the Provincial TT and TTT Championships on August 6th in Duncan.

Its been a boatload of work to get permissions, do up tech packages, receive sanctioning, get insurance etc so I really hope those of you that PROMISED to provide volunteers do so .......

Full details to follow but the basic need is from 9am - 4pm on site starting near the Duncan Meadows Golf Club (it will be shorter but plan for that time frame) I will need at least 6 road marshalls, 3 registration folks, 2 bike holders, 2 finish line "counters", plus at least 4 people to do set up / tear down of tents etc.

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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by jeremy »

I'm about 90% sure I'm avail to volunteer, i'll let you know by friday. I'd need to grab a ride up with somebody.
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by jeremy »

I am avail to volunteer, just need a ride to the race
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John D
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by John D »

jeremy wrote:I am avail to volunteer, just need a ride to the race
Ditto...what he said.

Oh, and FTR I've never marshalled anything except undergrad science students on field trips. And that's usually more of an exercise in herding cats.

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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by Laura »

I am happy to help out with marshalling, bike holding, counting, or registration.
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by Plawless »

We need 15 volunteers total. I will assign jobs later but for now I need to get people's names and emails.

I have:

Dave S
Laura and
John D

So who else?

I also still need prizes...... anyone have anything they can offer up? Please email me plawless@jsg.bc.ca

And, yes, you do detect a note of desperation in my voice........
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by leifb »

My coach has said I'm not racing for the foreseeable future (tri or otherwise), so I will come up with Laura to volunteer. My email is leif@baradoy.com
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by arfenarf »

Plawless wrote:We need 15 volunteers total. I will assign jobs later but for now I need to get people's names and emails.

I have:

Dave S
Laura and
John D

So who else?

I also still need prizes...... anyone have anything they can offer up? Please email me plawless@jsg.bc.ca

And, yes, you do detect a note of desperation in my voice........
...and Kate Weber, David Brown's mum. email arfenarf at gmail dot com. Although I'm trying to scheme out a way to wedge a 2.5h brick into the day as well and not, well, succeeding. May have to ride with lights early early.

I really ought to get a handle on this forum that looks like, well, a name.
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by glenowyn »

Thank you to everyone who came out and volunteered at the Provincial ITT. It was great to have the opportunity to race the ITT and TT on the island. I was happy as well as many others to be able to race and suffer on that course. I hope those that planned a ride back did get it in and you can tell us about your adventures

Thank you Peter for taking on the race and being a great race directer
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Re: BC TT & TTT Champs - Volunteers

Post by RyanC »


Thank you especially to those that not only marshaled and kept us safe and able to focus on racing but who also cheered us along the way. Your encouragement really helped. Cycling can so often seem like a solitary effort and your enthusiasm reminded me that we are part of a larger, shared activity and community.
