Friday July 15 ride stats - B

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Friday July 15 ride stats - B

Post by leftcoaster »

The average for this morning's B ride was 34.8km/hr.

The ride included a couple of near stops on hills to make sure everyone was still together. I think our club ride descriptions needs a little updating.
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Re: Friday July 15 ride stats - B

Post by arfenarf »

Oh, dear God, just when I'd screwed up the courage to try coming out with the Bs tomorrow.

<bites fingernails>
leftcoaster wrote:The average for this morning's B ride was 34.8km/hr.

The ride included a couple of near stops on hills to make sure everyone was still together. I think our club ride descriptions needs a little updating.
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Re: Friday July 15 ride stats - B

Post by beegull »

Don't worry, the B ride was split in two, and the second B group finished with a far more leisurely 34.0 kph pace:

I missed the first bit up Shelbourne, so it might have been even more leisurely than that!
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Re: Friday July 15 ride stats - B

Post by Rolf »

arfenarf wrote:Oh, dear God, just when I'd screwed up the courage to try coming out with the Bs tomorrow.

<bites fingernails>
Just to be perfectly clear Mr. / Ms. Arfenarf, only the A ride is cutthroat (they reportedly did 36-38 today). The rest of the rides -- including both of today's speedy B rides -- are strictly no-drop, meaning we ride at the speed of the slowest rider. If everyone's up to it, the speed can rise (like today), but you should never worry about holding riders up. Riders who feel very uncomfortable on a B ride usually self-select the even friendlier C the next time out.

On the B ride, staying together as a group is the most important thing. People who aren't willing to occasionally sit up and let slower riders catch up are always welcome to ride A, or just go solo. :D

See you out there!