Enumclaw Stage Race

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Enumclaw Stage Race

Post by Roland »

Results: http://gcracingllc.com/default.aspx

Adam was 7th in the TT, 1st in the Crit and it sitting in 5th in the GC
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Re: Enumclaw Stage Race

Post by Roland »

Final results up: http://gcracingllc.com/Documents/2011-MOE-GC.pdf

Adam was 3rd in RR, 2nd in field sprint and finishes 4th in GC.

I think he'll do just fine in Cat 2.
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Re: Enumclaw Stage Race

Post by AdamD »

Totally fun course, flat and fast 10km with one out of the saddle kicker midway through and a couple technical turns. Weather was dry and a little chilly, finally had a good and proper warm up.
Averaged 44.5 good enough for 9th place.

Pretty difficult course with 8 turns making the course into a figure 8 shape. It was raining just enough to bring all the slippery stuff to the surface, there were at least 8 crashes if not more, thankfully i avoided all of them. People were not able to figure out that riding over manhole cover means your probably going to crash.

Goal for the team was to win every prime and win the race, and we did.
Trevor won the first prime and i won the other 3, with two laps to go i was getting a leadoff from Aidan, going into the start/finish he takes it too fast and slides out, i manage to narrowly avoid him but i'm now out of team mates in front of me. We get the bell and i manage to get off the front and into about 3rd wheel. With about 2/3 of a lap left i hear Geordie yell at me from behind to get onto him. He pulls hard for the remainder of the lap and i jump around him right before the last S set of turns, take the corners like im on rails and end up with a 2 second gap by the time i coast down to the line.

Course was similar to RTR (except longer) with a climb in the middle and a descent and flat bits. 5 laps with a 2 separate starting and finishing pan handles. It was advertised as 120km but it actually ended up being 130km. Got crashed on the 3rd of 5 laps by some dumb**s swerving into me going for his bottle in the feed zone but managed to chase back on in about a quarter lap. It was pretty clear we were racing for second but no one really cared since the guy up the road was 5 min. down on GC. No one was interested in pushing the pace except on the climb and it was obvious it was important to go over in the lead group the last lap.

Made it over in a group of three just off the lead group of 7 or so but by the end of the decent we were back on with another group of 9 or so joining up to make it 20 or so riders. Got caught a little off guard by a few of the final turns before the finish but managed 2nd in the pack sprint for 2nd, and 4th in the GC.
Adam de Vos
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Re: Enumclaw Stage Race

Post by bikehart »

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Lister Farrar
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Re: Enumclaw Stage Race

Post by Lister Farrar »

Great ride and report Adam.

What do you find is changing in you (fitness level, specific abilities, awareness) over the season as you train and race and work with team mates? How's peaking and recovery?
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And I hope you like jammin', too."
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