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Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:37 am
by Sarah W
TripleShot Executive Meeting Minutes – May 5th, 2011

TripleShot Cycling Executive meeting on May 5th, 2011 at the offices of Johns, Southward, Glazier, Walton and Margetts at 204-655 Tyee Rd.

Meeting started: 6:12pm. Called to order: Pete

Attendance – Geoff, Lister, Sarah, Bill, Pete, Jon Watkin, Ryan Calbick, Josh Erickson
Regrets – Dylan, Kim

Jon Watkin coming to discuss Dallas TT race.

• Updates – City of Victoria is donating everything for TT:
o 4 police
o blocking roads that intersect Dallas at 3pm
o closing Dallas between mile 0 and end of Ross Bay cemetery for 4 hours
o equipment – trailer stage, wheelchair access to stage, bleacher trailer (240 people)
• City put wooden horses in spots and then we put across the road.
• Barriers get dropped off and we set up
• 8 parathletes coming and will not use stage to start as per Pete
• We provide labour not skill – Jon will direct where things need to be set up.
• Still aiming for 100 riders.
• June 5/6 looking to host the volunteer appreciation party for all volunteers from the weekend. Parkside Resort donating space - $4K in prizes, food, drinks.
• Food will be provided for people who volunteer for that day.
• Will receive honorarium after event.
• TS has been listed on the insurance certificate – will get copy from Jon.

Discuss and develop criteria for giving/spending race money.

• Long brainstorm about Race Team and Jr. Race Team. More discussion to follow and a document will be written that defines criteria and expectations for the Race Team and will be posted on the forum. This concept will evolve as we move forward and see what works and does not work. Going to tap into other Race Team structures so that we are not reinventing the wheel.

Discuss and give update on action items from last meeting

Sponsorship Criteria and Update
• To be brought forward to next meeting – ran out of time.

New Business

Next meeting – May 14th

Update on finances – Decided that we will only give information to members at AGM.

No Drop Policy – will be reiterated at the start of the ride that if no C group that B is no drop.

Get more people out to races. We are going to lose money if we do not get more riders out. Western Speedway has reserved every second Monday for rest of summer if we want it. But, we need to show demand in order to confirm. Get people out to race not only volunteer.

High School update – criterion moving to Wed the 18th at track, high school race at Windsor and Bastion. Need turnout to warrant the time on course. Get word out for any and all high school kids to come out.

For next meeting:

• Change mission statement to strongly encourage volunteering. Be more directive rather than passive.
• Sponsorship criteria – has been passed over this week so top of list for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25pm.

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:46 pm
by Rolf
Update on finances – Decided that we will only give information to members at AGM.
Just a friendly note that this is prohibited by our club bylaw 43 (Treasurer's duties) and s. 37 of the Society Act:
Inspection by members

37 Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, the documents, including the accounting records, of a society must be open to the inspection of a director or member on reasonable notice to the society.

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:15 am
by Plawless

We will of course follow the Act and Bylaws. We simply do not intend to post financial information publically. I note that the minute is a reflection of a debate about posting details of our finances in order to ensure transparency versus our sensitivity about publishing finances for the world at large to see.

On a side note I prefer these sorts of "friendly reminders" to be done in a more private way as the risk otherwise is that people can get their backs up or we end up in a public debate that doenst do any of us (or the Club) any good and I am positive that is not your intention. If there is a mistake in how we have recorded something we can easily rectify it and we can be greatful for the input.


Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:31 pm
by Rolf
Thanks for the clarification, Peter. I sent along a request to review the club's financials over a month ago but have received nothing, so I took the minute regarding the board's decision as my answer! I certainly didn't want to get anyone's back up by pointing out a possibly illegal resolution of the board.

Maybe if someone's back is up, she or he will follow your advice about using private channels and I can assure her or him my intention was not to offend. :wink:

Personally, I think of Tripleshot like one big family and the forum is our kitchen table. I think we all benefit by hanging out and hearing what folks have to say out in the open, even if it's constructively critical now and again. But that may be just me. :)

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:42 pm
by Plawless
I have replied by PM.

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:17 pm
by AlW
Rolf wrote:Personally, I think of Tripleshot like one big family and the forum is our kitchen table. I think we all benefit by hanging out and hearing what folks have to say out in the open, even if it's constructively critical now and again. But that may be just me. :)
plawless wrote:On a side note I prefer these sorts of "friendly reminders" to be done in a more private way as the risk otherwise is that people can get their backs up or we end up in a public debate that doenst do any of us (or the Club) any good and I am positive that is not your intention.
I think transparency is important and would prefer to see issues, concerns, etc. handled in an open forum opposed to private channels. However, because this is this particular forum is public, it is not the arena in which discussions such as this should take place. A forum restricted to confirmed tripleshot members would be more appropriate.


Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:30 pm
by Quentin
AlW wrote: I think transparency is important and would prefer to see issues, concerns, etc. handled in an open forum opposed to private channels. However, because this is this particular forum is public, it is not the arena in which discussions such as this should take place. A forum restricted to confirmed tripleshot members would be more appropriate.
Agreed. How about a 'private' section on the forum that is administrated to make sure that those that have access to it are only those that have paid their Tripleshot fees for the year?

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:00 pm
by Rolf
Great idea! A password-protected area would also assist our racers devise race strategy without other teams getting wind.

But it probably depends on how much the additional functionality may tax our technical volunteers. Can this be easily done, Roland?

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:28 pm
by barton bourassa
I too have asked to see the financials. It would be interesting to see what money comes in and where it goes and how much we have in the bank! I would really prefer to not have to wait till December?



Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:40 pm
by Plawless
I hope everyone knows that as paid members you are 100% entitled to see the financials and we want you to see them and feel that we are stewarding your money in a manner that you approve of.

If its just a question of something like bank balance call or email Bill. He will tell you. We just dont intend to "post" financial information on a public message board. If you want to actually look at the books (consisting of the bank statements and the excel spreadsheet we use to track the "in and out") call me and we can set up a time for you to swing by my office to look at this stuff.

We are totally committed to transparency (especially where it comes to $) but wish to be responsible with that as well.


Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:32 am
by Josh.E
I'd like to THANK all the members of the board for all the personal time and work they VOLUNTEER behind the scenes to keep this club working and growing.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:43 am
by steve

Re: Minutes from May 5th Exec meeting

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:29 pm
by RyanC
Josh.E wrote:I'd like to THANK all the members of the board for all the personal time and work they VOLUNTEER behind the scenes to keep this club working and growing.