Sylvan going away party

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Sylvan going away party

Post by jeremy »

Well we had a strong group of drinkers show up for this one, the group wasn't quite big enough for an A and a B group so we all headed out together. Ryan, Kim and Joe Guard got out on an early break but the rest of the group worked together to pull them back in.
For the next 2 hours or so the group was sharing pulls (of beer) and working well together with some riders joining in and some heading out of the group, about half of the group that remained grabbed food at the feed station, it was well stocked and very tasty.
Sylvan was an animal tonight continually jumping out on solo breaks, the group was starting to have problem matching his considerable furious pace. but luckily Gavin and Jen arrived and showed great teamwork in giving up bottles so fellow riders Josh and Roland could pull Carly myself and Glenowyn back up to the Crazy solo breakout man know as Sylvan.
Then seemingly out of nowhere we had a three person break of 2 IRC drinkers, Rhonda and Chris and our very own Sylvan, all three working well together and gaining a BIG gap on the rest of the pack.
The bartender shouted out Last Lap(call), and Sylvan was gone, nobody was going to catch him, and he stumbled across the finish line for the win.

An all around great time,

Sylvan could you post your Garmin results for the night?
Current Winter Gloating point amount - 16730 (and counting)
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Re: Sylvan going away party

Post by Rolf »

Best race report of the year. :lol:

Congrats on the win, Sylvan! Good luck with your recovery...
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Re: Sylvan going away party

Post by sylvan »

Haha, thanks, that was fun. Thanks especially for the ride home. I had a crash pad waiting for me three blocks away, but I don't think I could have safely walked even that far. As for the race, Rhonda and I leveraged tactics developed over many years at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival. She could have won with ease (she's from Trail, 'nough said) but played domestique to set me up for the win this time.
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Re: Sylvan going away party

Post by RyanC »

That's awesome, Jeremy. :D

Thanks to everyone for a great turnout and a nice mix of people. I think Sylvan seemed a little surprised at the breadth of his tifosi. Or maybe he was just 'tipsy.'

I have to admit, I can't 'race' like I used to and still ride like a 20-something the next day. I definitely needed extra recovery time this morning before heading out with IRC for an extended session of staring balefully at Chuck's rear hub.

Best wishes in your travels, Sylvan. Thanks for the great forum contributions. I expect to see more over the summer.
