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De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:49 pm
by Roland
Doesn't even need a leadout:

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:03 pm
by jeremy
Looks like Manchild might have a new nickname - De Vos the BOSS, great work man!!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:33 pm
by steve
Well done - was this the A or B race? How did the rest of you do?

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:33 pm
by AdamD
That was B i wasn't allowed to race A

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:35 pm
by Josh.E
how come?

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:42 pm
by RyanC
Monsieur De Vos! Chapeau! What a classy finishing salute. Nicely done. Race report?


Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:59 pm
by Roland
Josh.E wrote:how come?
The As don't want to get embarrassed.


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:00 pm
by Roland
steve wrote:Well done - was this the A or B race? How did the rest of you do?
Peter and I went off the back with about 30 km to go. I pulled out and Peter finished a few minutes down.

Peter's car ride report is going to be a lot more interesting than his race report.

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:13 pm
by dreeves
Nigel?? Who the &%$# is Nigel? Whoever he is, he wasn't even close to the Man Child! Well done, Adam.


Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by Josh.E
c'mon you slackers! Where's your stinkin' race reports!

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:23 pm
by Plawless
Adam, Roland and I (along with Jordie from VAC) took the 7am ferry over and realized as we were nearly being blown off the highway with wind that things on the mainland were “different” from the day to be had on the Island. Also just as we arrived the rain started pelting down really demotivating all of us (well me, anyway).

Anyway way larger attendance this week. It looked like about 60 in the B pack with a number of people mentioning the strength of TSC from last week’s race. Once the race started it was like being in a carwash. I have never seen so much flying water. It was, at times, absolutely impossible to ride directly behind someone. If you opened your mouth it was a sure fire way no both nearly drown and eat at least a pound of grit.

Moderately technical course with a lot of corners that were taken 1 or 2 wide making positioning super important. There was also some savage winds that really kept things hard if you were in the wrong spot (as I later learned). Overall it was very little to do with “team” and very much to do with survival.

Anyway my “race” ended just after 50km when I was behind a guy who blew a corner opening a gap into the tailwind section. I busted my ass for 2’ and the peleton just kept getting farther and farther away. I was pretty much done at that point but another guy rolled up and the 3 of us started to work together. We then rolled up Roland who hung around for a bit then made the smart call to get warm and video Adam’s finish. I think the guys charitably said that my group of 3 finished a couple of minutes down on the pack. I think about 25 finished with just the 3 of us finishing off the pack.

It was shockingly hard especially as the conditions meant that there was no way to relax in the pack as there was always spray, corners, crosswinds, headwinds, sketchy braking. To everyone’s credit the riders were all really good. No crashes in circumstances where I could easily have expected tons of carnage.

Overall another fantastic effort by Adam. Monster sprint – its really telling that it looks so effortless by him. I promise you it wasn’t effortless!

One other intersting thing is that after about 15' of the carwash we all were suddenly able to speak Flemish - weird but totally appropriate!

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:49 pm
by Alan
Now I want to hear the 'car ride' report....

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:34 pm
by Roland
My race was similar to Peter's, but I lasted another 5 km before getting dropped. Peter and two others picked me up, but I couldn't hold on. I dropped out and got changed into dry clothes and tried to warm up. I was so cold, my legs had shut down.

The rain ad the spray was incredible. I couldn't see anything. With the huge field and the narrow roads, I found it very difficult to move forward, until later in the race one the pack started thinning out.

The pace was much harder than the previous week, 10 corners per lap, the wind and the rain drained the life out of my legs.

After the first race, I was feeling good about my fitness. After this race, not so much. I'm not quite Cat 3 material yet.

Re: De Vos the Boss

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:22 am
by Barry McKee
Way to go Adam. Congrats to all of you! I get cold just reading the reports. I'm riding early in the day to avoid the 80 to 90 degree temps and you guys are racing in cold rain and wind. Triple Americano's all round for you!