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young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:58 am
by leftcoaster
any word on how young Dylan is doing?

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:33 am
by sylvan
leftcoaster wrote:any word on how young Dylan is doing?
Word at coffee was that he was mostly OK and got a lift home.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:01 am
by steve
His mom came and got him this morning - I think she was younger than most of us. He was starting to get a little sore by the time he left and his new jacket was torn but he looked like he was going to be ok.

Said he hoped to be out next Tuesday.


Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:06 am
by Plawless
That is great to hear.

I was wondering how the phone call went?

TSC: "uhh, hello, Mrs. Flounder?"
Mrs. Flounder: "huh?"

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:01 am
by Rolf
I suppose if I want to know more about crashes, I should actually get my virus-ridden corpse out of bed instead of limiting my TripleShotting to lurking about the forum.

It sounds like Dylan went down this morning; that sucks. And I hear there was a crash involving Lister and others on the Tuesday B ride as well.

I've always found it extremely valuable to read debriefs of "incidents" during rides. These are excellent and important learning opportunities for the many students of group-riding among us.

Sometimes there can be tension around crashes and some quiet (or not so quiet) fingerpointing, and perhaps this makes people loath to say much on the forum. I think the TS culture -- carefully and wisely curated by Peter, Lister and others -- is to focus on positive comments among riders and to keep any criticism constructive.

So can anyone provide an objective account of what happened today and Tuesday? One that focuses on any lessons learned? :)

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:11 am
by jj12
Being sick is lame... looks like i missed out this morning..

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:26 am
by JohnT
It was just a small but deep hole and unfortunate timing. It happened in a second, but what I think I saw (I was right behind him) was Dylan making a quick glance around in preparation for the left hand turn onto Ash from Mt. Doug. The 'hit' shook the handle bars so hard that he was down in a second. It was a rough tumble, but I don't think he went over the bars. I missed his right wrist by centimeters (he used his arms to stabilize the slide) - I was dreading the bump from my front wheel, but it never came. I think it's a risk that we take riding in the dark at this time of the year (when such holes are more common). I don't see that there are any 'lessons' to be learned, but others might have ideas. Hope to see you out again soon Dylan.


Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:32 am
by Minda
I have tried to call Dylan twice this morning. I havent heard from him yet.

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:32 am
by Brian S
Dylan seemd OK--a bit scraped and sore but nothing youth can't overcome. Whether he survives maternal lectures etc will be another matter. He defiinitely was helped by his helmet (and needs a new one). I agree John--he hit a small rut/hole that kicked his front wheel sideways and down he went, but with a baseball slide that spread impact out--quel pro! Fortune/dysfortune that this was a wintery ride, and several layers of (nice new) jacket and jersey got rashed before he did.
I think the main lesson is that we are now later in the winter months, with holes etc getting more in number and deeper in size--watch out in the dark!

Thanks to Al and Steve for hanging with us until Mum came to get him.

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:40 am
by Jbooyah
Dylan said it was a pot-hole, just before the turn onto ash rd so we were going pretty fast. I was at the back and saw him go down, he got up quickly and seemed more shaken than hurt. There was a car pretty close behind us after he went down, the thing I learnt was that someone should be looking/calling out for cars after a crash like that.

Props to the doctors in the house to check out Dylan after and the classy gents that stuck around to wait for his ride.

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:29 pm
by Josh.E
Although not really the cause of the crash, maybe a good thing to practice going through mount doug in the dark would be to maintain the single file line down the hill and through the corner, then start getting 2 up after we are on ash. The random coasting up along the center line passing people always gets a bit messy going into the corner, especially when we need to stop for an oncoming car.

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:48 pm
by Dylan J C
hey everyone,
I'm fine, Ive been checked out by a clinic doctor and I'm just scraped and bruised (hopefully getting some badass battle scars out of this). If everything is fine with my bike I should see everyone Tuesday.


Re: young Dylan

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:21 pm
by AlW
I checked out the pothole while we were waiting for Dylan's mom. Small is not the word I would use to describe it. :shock:

There is a lesson here and one that Peter has mentioned once or twice during his Friday pre-ride briefings. Avoid riding in the wheel tracks of cars as that seems to be where the potholes congregate. Peter's reference was specific to Blenkinsop but I think it applies everywhere.
Josh.E wrote:maybe a good thing to practice going through mount doug in the dark would be to maintain the single file line down the hill and through the corner
I'll second that, with the additional previso that we take the lane as soon as possible and ride in the center of the lane. Having a car trying to get past while we are attempting to get over into the turn lane has happened a few times and usually generates a bit of chaos, with people grabbing brakes and attempting not to run into each other. Pretty sure the speed limit through there is 40km/h, so we can't be accused of holding up traffic.

Of course, taking the full lane doesn't guarantee that some idiot won't try to get by...

Re: young Dylan

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:41 am
by Dylan J C
Hey, can anyone who saw the crash give me their name and number, if I can prove that I hit a pothole the district of Saanich should cover my damages.


Re: young Dylan

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:04 pm
by JohnT
John Taylor

Hey! I'm keen to see how that goes. I separated my shoulder two years ago in a very similar accident (and destroyed my bike) - My claim didn't turn into any money. If yours does, maybe I'll revisit that.