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Putting the "suffer" back in the sufferfest

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:59 am
by Josh.E
Pretty intimidating looking group rolled into starbucks this morning. Dylan, Bruce, Shawn, Sylvan, Greg and newcomer to the sufferfest John.

It was a good solid hard tempo ride for the entire 3 hours, with everybody taking some hard pulls, and it got pretty fast from West Saanich in. Sylvan was showing his power and sprinting prowess at the run ins to both matticks and sidney, and Dylan played the final sprint up interurban to prefection to get the "win". Kudos to John for sticking it out on his first sufferfest experience. He even said he might come back for more next week.

Great ride everyone, and a good solid workout. Thanks to all who came out.

Re: Putting the "suffer" back in the sufferfest

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:01 am
by sylvan