2010-10-16 - Saturday Ride Stats
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:14 am
The ride today was very terrible. It was so cold that all of our piss and vinegar was completely frozen by the time we got to Sidney. We stood around wondering how we were going to get home. We finally decided to ride, and chose the shortest way possible. Shawn and Greg were towers of power and provided enormous pulls. The rest of us hung on grimly as long as we could. I had fun. Thanks, everybody. Peter is probably just starting the Oak Bay ride now, knowing what it would have been like at 6 am and laughing at us. He'll pay for this.
The ride today was very terrible. It was so cold that all of our piss and vinegar was completely frozen by the time we got to Sidney. We stood around wondering how we were going to get home. We finally decided to ride, and chose the shortest way possible. Shawn and Greg were towers of power and provided enormous pulls. The rest of us hung on grimly as long as we could. I had fun. Thanks, everybody. Peter is probably just starting the Oak Bay ride now, knowing what it would have been like at 6 am and laughing at us. He'll pay for this.