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Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:02 pm
by David Hill
For those of you who don't know (and the many who are saying "who is this guy?"), on Thursday August 12, I will be relocating to Penticton, at least for a year, as my family and I try and see what it's like living in a city with more than one season.

I have to say that the last six years of riding with Triple Shot (remember when sometimes in the winter we'd just stay in?) have been a great pleasure, I've learned a lot about riding, about myself, and about how not to spend $4,000 on a bike that really isn't going to get me to coffee any faster.

Moreover, I've made some great friends and have had a reason to get my arse out of bed way too early 3 times a week.

I don't know when I'll be back, so I want to extend an open invitation to any TSC'ers who find themselves in Ironman City to drop me a line, hook up for a ride, and more importantly, grab some coffee (or a wine tour, if that's more your fancy).

Also, I know some of you have friends who live in Penticton (or may be moving there soon), and I'd be really happy to connect with other riders, or even just people who are more interesting that my new MP, Stockwell Day. So please pass along contact information, or let them know I'm coming and tell them to watch out for the little guy on the red Specialized.

I will undoubtedly hook up with the Bike Barn folks to start, but I'm serious about starting an Okanagan chapter of TSC. Not sure what the rules are, but I can see Galen pumping out a new design - something with grapes and a sun... At the very least, I can help to organize hot weather hilly training rides, and expect you all to come up from time to time.

My contact information for now is:

cell: (250) 893-5655

Thanks again, and I'll see you on the road.

David Hill

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:34 pm
by Rolf
Hey, good luck with the new roads, Dave! Hope your family enjoys the move.

I'm in court for the day in Penticton on the 26th and might have time for a coffee or even lunch before I fly out. I'll call you a couple days before.

All the best...

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:59 pm
by David Hill
Thanks, Rolf. Do call. Hope you beat the charges... :wink:

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:30 pm
by Lister Farrar
Have fun Dave. We'll miss you and curious George. Pete says to send the kids to him anytime they get homesick. :lol:

Geoff, Hugh, Dan, and I have a friend in Penticton, Ron Hayman, who I think is ripe to help you start the Okanagan chapter. He was saying last week several of his riding partners were becoming unavailable and he envied our group.

You might want to consider mountain biking too; the trails there are endless and smoother than what we have here. His email is ron (at)

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:23 pm
by leftcoaster
Hey David, it's been great riding with you and I'll also miss seeing you around the little league parks in the spring. I hope everything works out well in Penticton and when I'm there next, I'll drop a line. Though if you start a triple shot club in Penticton, you may have to have three wine glasses instead of three coffee cups.

- David B

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:35 pm
by David Hill
Thanks, David. I hear you had a crash on Sunday - hope you're healing well. These things happen, unfortunately. Touch wood, my worst crash to date has been falling over while clipped in in the parking lot - my first TSC ride... embarrassing, but not enough to keep me off the iron horse.

Take care, and happy riding.

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:55 pm
by leftcoaster
Thanks for the thought. Unfortunately I'll have to miss the V2N2V on Sunday. There's always next year.

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:38 pm
by Greg Miller
David was out today for his last TS ride before heading to the interior. Good luck David in Penticton!

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:21 pm
by bill
Wish you all the best David on the next chapter. We are all going to miss ya.

I will be up in the Osoyoos area from the 26th thru the 3rd of Sept. Hope to be in Penticton for some rides and Ironman vieiwng. Will give ya call.

What are you doing wiht your house? :D


Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:59 pm
by Rita
Ian and me will be in Penticton for the Ironman weekend. We'll have only out mountain bikes with us (anybody interested in some off-road riding?), but maybe we could meet up for some Ironman watching? Sounds like there will be quite a few Tripleshotters in Dave's new home town that weekend.
Hope you're settling in well, Dave! :D

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:53 am
by Rolf
Dave: in case you look here, my matter settled late yesterday and I've cancelled my flights out to Penticton. We'll have to hook up for coffee another time. Hope you're settling in well...

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:30 am
by mlawless
The family and I (as part of said family) are also going up to Penticton on Saturday until at least Tuesday.

It sounds like there will be a few Tripleshot types around so:

1. Who wants to meet for a bit of IMC viewing?
2. How about a ride or 3 in the area?
3. Starbucks anyone?
4. Pub?

We have no idea where we are staying yet but I presume that at this time of year there should be lots of availability.



Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:09 am
by Chris Watt
Hey Mike, David and others in/around Pentiction this week-end,

What about a meal Sunday night for those up for IMC? When and where?

I'll arrive around 2pm Sunday (flying into Kelowna and driving down)- and will be trying to inch up to the finish line to watch the leaders come in around 3:15 onwards.

David- you're still probably in unpacking chaos but if the kind offer to stay over Sunday night still stands I'd gratefully accept as long as you let me know what your and Deidre's favourite rotting grape juice is.

Mike- I'll see you in line at sign-up early Monday with your cup of tea in hand- milk, no sugar right?


Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:16 am
by Brian S
Hey all OK bound TS folks. Firstly David--enjoy the move, take care, and stay in touch! To all of the others around this week end, keep an eye out for Scott Rusnak. He will be in Penticton, to hang out and watch. I had hoped to be up there too, but conspiracies have gathered to keep me on the coast. As well, after the Seattle debacle of the 1/2 iron, I have to think (not too) hard about the whole iron man thing. I may sign up through the foundation/community fund, or pretend that I could qualify through another event. We will see. I may need convincing.

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:02 am
by mlawless

Consider yourself convinced. I think it will be a hoot for a good group of us (you know the ones who are not afraid of water or weight bearing exercise) to participate (see I did not say compete or race) in IMC next year.

I think so far we have:
Chris W.
Brian S.

I am sure that there are others I have forgotten - besides what else are you planning on doing for 12 or so hours that day anyways!


Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:25 pm
by David Hill
Hey all. Just finally got to the post.. had no idea so many TSC's are going to be here!

Email me: or give me a call (250) 893-5655, and let's get together!

Dee & I are planning on taking in some of the action Sunday, and it would be fun to hook up with folks here in "my" hometown.

I've been out on a few good rides since I got here... damn it, it's all hills! Luckily they're nicely stocked with wineries and vineyards as far as the eye can see... I'm still trying to find some civilized folks to go for rides before 8:00 a.m., but so far most of the people here seem to be unemployed, and can ride 2-3 times a week from 9:00 - 2:00 p.m.... Or they're total Tri-Geeks and the thought of riding with anyone else is akin to riding a bike with more than 4 spokes or fewer than 4 water bottle holders...

Anyway, we're here, and hope to see as many Easter Eggs as we can this weekend!

Again, drop me a line or call....

David "One Bike" Hill

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:03 pm
by sylvan
I'm heading over to Slack Alice's now.

Re: Triple Shot Okanagan???

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:53 pm
by David Hill
Nicely done. Say hi to "Blue Jean" for me!