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VCL Safety

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:20 pm
by gav_eaton
Ok, after my post in the Caleb race report, I thought it would be good to start a thread to talk about safety in the VCL races - particularly in A.

Last night I was the victim of several dangerous incidents I that I feel strongly were the result of inexperience and lack of skill. After a couple of nervous tire shredding maneuvers due to people locking their brakes going into corners, I had an especially bad incident coming down the final hill into the sprint.

As my lead-out for Josh ended and the other riders started to come around, one of the riders came around me and cut in front of me so much so that our wheels connected very hard - to the point where I unclipped and was preparing to hit the deck. We were going 60km/h and I know that had I gone down, it would have resulted in significant injury. It was one of the scariest moments I've ever experienced on a bike - and I have a LOT of scars!

I've noticed lately that a few of the 'new to A' are certainly fit enough to race with that group (as I sometimes am not) - but that the skill development is not quite there for some. While I feel strongly that VCL is a great club race series, and a great way for all levels to develop race skills - there is a point where 'normal racing risk' goes beyond into unnecessary danger.

What are peoples' thoughts on how we can work to a solution on this - because my yelling and ranting certainly isn't the answer. I think Lister's corning sessions have made a significant difference to everyone who has attended them - I have noticed significant improvement in people's abilities in our Tuesday rides.

Do we want to maybe consider expanding this session and inviting other clubs to join in? Perhaps even in a more stable environment if Windsor is unfavorable due to neighbor complaints? I'm not trying to put all the pressure on Lister - I was thinking more that it would be a good chance for the more senior riders to share some knowledge and develop skills. This is really not a competitive issue, it's a safety issue - so I think it would good to share with all that can benefit.

Anyway, that's all I have to say at the moment - and I'll open to floor to other people's thoughts...

Re: VCL Safety

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:58 am
by Paul C.
Way to go Gavin for starting an important, and perhaps necessary topic for our cycling World. From a newbies perspective[ did my first bike race in June this year] the Thursday sessions have been invaluable and valuable?? for the Windsor Crit and for riding in general. I have said to a few TSC members and also "the Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Ken Bonner group" that what we've been doing Thursday a.m. would be valuable for anyone riding in a group even if they do no racing. One session that I felt was very worthwhile was on the grass touching wheels,bumping elbows[not good], shoulders[good] and heads[good in the Tour only]. Also reaching out and touching and GENTLY pushing the other rider. Luckily I haven't needed to use any of these yet but it sounds like some of us have.........A comment about Wednesday Caleb Pike crash: As I heard you fast A guys about to lap me I moved to the right with maybe 2 to 3 feet to the gravel. Everyone of course passed me going very fast [about 55km/hr ] on my left ...except one rider in a yellow and black team kit who some how passed me on my RIGHT with inches to spare. If I had even breathed to the right it could have been messy. Guess who also had a bad crash in the last lap?? Yup the 'bumble Bee outfit' guy. I would have loved to have talked with him but when I saw the blood dripping off his elbow and knee I figured he had enough to deal with. This incedent confirms what Gavin mentioned, although I heard he had raced in Belgium???? Lets have fun racing but keep rubber on the road...and maybe hang out with Lister some more. Paul C.

Re: VCL Safety

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:04 am
by M.LeBlanc
Hey, so I'm pretty new to the group but have been riding for a number of years (mainly solo but have a good amount of experience with groups). I'm wanting to get into racing but hesitate because of the reason for this post. Just don't wanna be "that" guy. I know you learn as you go but what are some main pointers and racing edict? Didn't even know about the thursday sessions, they still going on?

Would also like to just mention for my 1st post how sweet I think this group is. I've never been this excited to get up at 5am.

Cheers, Matt

Re: VCL Safety

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:29 am
by bill
I am 100% in agreement with you Gavin. I believe we should have something and open it up to all.

I started the race on Wednesday and felt uncomfortable in the race because of the lack of experience by some riders. I did pull out of the race do to a nagging injury but also because I did not feel 100% confident in myself to be able to handle the corners with conviction and potentially puttting other riders at risk (damn windsor park accident).

Now all we need is a place to practice. I know at Ogden point they do motor cycle courses there on weekends. Not sure if space needs to be reserved but this may be a possible area to set up cones and give it a whirl. Certainly not going to bother anyone there.

Re: VCL Safety

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:02 pm
by Stéphane Tran
How about this: anyone who wants to race in a TS jersey for the 1st time must first take some safety/intro to racing lessons. These lessons could be as informal or formal as we want, and open to anyone who is interested. As someone who is interested in racing, I know I would feel more confident having some more skills going into it.
If we really wanted to go all out we could get some heads together and develop a course with a proper curriculum (e.g. cornering, racing etiquette, etc.) which we could offer to TS riders and even the local cycling community. Just a thought.

Re: VCL Safety

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:32 am
by eric.partlow
That's a great idea. However, it may be best if there was also a VCL initiative so that everyone else in the race has had some instruction. When I raced in Vancouver in the mid 1980's the cycle league offered a general safety course for all cat 5 riders, which covered a lot of topics. It was not focused solely on racing techniques and Lister's sessions are far better for this. The course was not mandatory but everyone did it because they offered points to the cat 5 riders if they completed the course.
It would be great if everyone in our club had formal cornering and racing instruction - we must have almost attained that goal by now, thanks to Lister. We really do need to discuss how to reimburse him for his club efforts.
Perhaps Listera/TSC could also put on a couple courses in the spring - pre VCL race season- for all new riders/B riders for the VCL. With a registration fee this could pay for the coach/instructor and organizational costs. We could approach the VCL with this. I'm sure it would improve the quality of the race and make it safer for everyone.
Lister, what do you think. You're already coaching the Oak Bay High group and all the rest of us TSC'ers.
Cheers from Parksville,