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Cycling Fundraiser Dates + Locations

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:34 pm
by andrea
Hello everybody,

We are looking for cyclists to help out with Cycling For Safe Water. We now have locations booked around Victoria for three more weekends in July and August but we need people pedalling the bikes! We especially need help outside MEC on July 24th and 25th because two of our volunteers have to be away for a family emergency.

Where We will be:

July 17 + 18 Fairfeild village (by Ross Bay pub) we'll be set up by the liquor store from 11:00 to 4:00
July 24th and 25th and August 7th and 8th Mountain Equipment Coop (on the sidewalk in front from 11:00 to 4:00)

In case you havn't heard the way it works is this: Two people pedal bikes made stationary by trainers while one or two other volunteers talk to the people about what we are doing. We are raising money for a well in Uganda. It only costs $2500.00 to provide a village with safe drinking water. The average person in Africa will travel a total 744km in two months in order to gather unsafe drinking water. So we are riding this symbolic distance but we are doing it all on bikes in popular areas around Victoria. We have a great visual display and we hand out brochures and encourage people to learn more about the organization (The Northern Uganda Development Foundation). We did this in Cook Street Village last weekend and it was a great success. We met lots of really interesting people who had worked in Africa.
Please e-mail me ( or call 778-678-3641, or respond here if you would like to come out. There are only two bikes so it would be good to know when people are coming. Feel free to come for any amount of time you can spare. You don't have to talk to the public if you don't want to, we can do that part.
