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Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:39 pm
by dreeves

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:45 am
by Plawless
First a big thanks to all the volunteers who stood on corners and not only kept us safe but kept cheering to keep us motivated. Speaking for myself I really needed the motivation. Also for Bill & Sarah dealing with registation (and Bill acting like a podium girl) and of course Kim and Joe for organizing the whole thing for TSC. Thanks tons all. It was a real pleasure to see that our club really is different as it turned out we didnt have to scramble for volunteers and even had multiple volunteers at each corner. That totally rocks. Way to go TSC!

I also see that I seem to have received a bit of payback as there were so many volunteers we had "extra" which, apparently was just enough reason for my so called "friends" to sign me up and pay for me to "race". Bastards! That was a horrible race! I was in a pack for all of 2km's then I was slogging it out alone thinking all the while of "interesting" things to do to those very "friends".

Stas here:

All in all a great day for TSC!

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:24 am
by Roland
I raced with the 30s, there were 4 of us including Emile. Things got off to a bad start when we took a wrong turn less than 200 meters into the race. After we got that sorted out I got dropped.

I had a nice ride:

Where were all the other 30 year old Tripleshotters?

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:21 am
by Dave Spiers
Roland,s quote

"I had a nice ride"

Dave,s quote

" Nutter"

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:13 am
by bill
Great job ya'll.

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:45 pm
by Lister Farrar
Yes, anything that makes Peter suffer on the hills is a huge contribution to presidential humility, Pete's chances next year in Sardinia against Matteo, and the ultimate goal of basque-butt. Oh yeah and world peace.

Re: Masters Metchosin Road Race June 27th

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:55 pm
by Marcus
I echo Dylan's and Peter's comments - ouch and thanks. Also, I have a cautionary warning, if Peter is looking for volunteers, don't ride out to volunteer with your gear because the race organizers will not only conscript the club leader but also non-suspecting lower fitness level riders new to group cycling. As we know, it's not easy to slog along alone, although the downhill bit was a lot of fun. Also special thanks to Rita for lending me the club colours complete with girl sweat. I may not have made it without the jersey. At least I finished and didn't let the colours down. Also a big thanks to Chuck Sinclair, wherever you are, the only guy or woman in the field, including the 70 year olds, who didn't lap me. And next time, I may only need to pick up 12 minutes to finish ahead of someone.