Opening doors...

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Opening doors...

Post by Ian »

Had an incident this morning on Hollywood Cres where a guy opened his car door right in front of the group. In case anyone's interested, the law is a bit vague but seems to be on our side

Section 203(1)

Although that may be small comfort when you're lying on the road wondering what happened...
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Brian S
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Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:57 pm

Re: Opening doors...

Post by Brian S »

Having watched that event unfold from behind, I think we need to be aware of a couple of things, particularly through that stretch of the ride. Although acknowledging that by that stage, things have ramped up, riders are trying to catch back on after accelerating over and down King George, and that it is also a fun piece of road, with challenging corners and increasing speed, I think we still need to be defensive and have our heads up. Defensive means a line that keeps you in a safe position relative to cars, and heads up in terms of looking forward and through cars for potential occurences. Sight lines through those corners are limited, and at 7 in the morning even the most conciencious driver may forget a shoulder check before opening a door. Seems there have been a couple of cautionary postings over the past week, so we should all do a little bit of navel gazing about riding defensively. Thanks for bringing this forward, Ian.
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