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Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 8:43 am
by barton bourassa
Are folks still thinking of meeting up at the John Muir school to ride the race route at 7 on Monday morning?

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 9:36 am
by Rita
I'm still in with a car and a ride for 2 passengers plus bikes.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:57 am
by jeremy
the plan is to meet @ cook street starbucks @ 6:00am then carpool out there, not sure what time we'll be at the school by.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:42 pm
by Rolf
Ideally we can be riding by 7, allowing for about a 40-minute drive and farting around at both ends. I've no solid idea about ride-time, given the hills, but I'd imagine being back in town by 1:00 or 1:30 at the latest, allowing for a quick coffee in Renfrew and a possible lunch and beer in Sooke? :P

So far I think we've got: Shawn (Sparrow) C., Adam (Kalevipoeg) K., Dave (Sly) S., Barton (Ironlung) B., Rita (Kirschtorte) W., Rolf (Fromage) W. and possibly (Big) Chris F.

It also sounds like we'll have seats in cars for about 12 total -- so we've got room for more. Now that Lister's cornering session will be on Tuesday, there's every reason to spurn the usual stat-holiday, Sunday ride and come enjoy some great views and burning legs... 8)

See you Monday at 6.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:19 pm
by sylvan
Are you planning on doing the race route (46 km out and back - big kids come back 23 km and then repeat the loop) or go all the way to Renfrew (140+ km)?

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:09 am
by Rolf
Sylvan: I was just thinking of doing John Muir Elementary to Port Renfrew and back, which approximates the 95K "little kids" route this coming Saturday.

I've fiddled a bit with Google Maps looking at the map from the crappy race website, (feel free to edit): ... ce810&z=10

Nothing's stopping anyone from doing the 140K Sooke-Renfrew-Jordan River-Renfrew-Sooke ride, provided somebody who's driving is into it. I'm guessing folks who are into the longer ride might not be into the "Citizen" pace some of us will likely maintain, so I don't know how long we'd stay together as a group if some are doing the longer ride.

Since it's only 5 days before raceday, there's little training benefit to tomorrow's ride -- it's more about scoping out the hills, finding out where it's going to be tough and just having an excuse to go ride somewhere beautiful and out of town.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:40 am
by sylvan
It's 70 km from John Muir to Renfrew, one way.

The old race route was 140 km out and back, but they aren't doing that now, not sure why, probably marshaling, maybe road surface. The medium race route is now 46 km out, 46 km back. The long race is now 46 km out, 23 km back, 23 km out, 46 km back. Junior women is 23 out, 23 back. Not sure where that 46 km mark is in relation to the big hills. I remember one staggeringly epic steep little ramp on the far side of one of the little bridges out there, over 20% pitch for sure, but that might be past the 46 km point. Probably what you'll want to do is just watch the odometer and turn around at 46 km. I think that'll be after you've done most of the climbing out of Jordan River.

I've been sick and have barely been on the bike the past month so I'm thinking I'll stick close to home Monday and do the Sunday ride from Fairfield, in case I bonk. Have a great time. You'll love it out there. 217 km Victoria to Renfrew return is one of the best rides I've ever done and I'm itching a bit to have another go at it...

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:12 pm
by Rolf
Thanks for sharing your experience, Sylvan. I'm confused by the race map. I've tried to replicate the route they show and it comes out at 60K, instead of 46. John Muir Elementary is in West Sooke, taking some of the distance off the straight Sooke-Renfrew 70K figure, but there's still 15K missing.

I think your suggestion of heading out from the elementary school and waiting for 46K to show up on the computer is sound. It looks like having a half-way espresso shot in Renfrew may tack on too much. And Dave said all the coffee spots in Jordan River have closed. So Clif Espresso Shots it is...

Incidentally, some others have asked about car capacity specifics. I think this is what we've got:

Dave: 4
Rita: 3
Rolf: 2-3 (4 in a pinch)
Adam: 3?

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:55 pm
by matteo
I'd like to join you guys, if you have a ride for me.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:02 pm
by jeremy
I'm not planning on driving, but if we are overloaded, I could cruise home and grab my car, so we should be ok.

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 3:08 pm
by Rolf
Latest rider/driver list:

Shawn C.
Adam K. (driving 3)
Dave S. (driving 4)
Barton B.
Rita W. (driving 3)
Rolf W. (driving 2-4)
Jeremy E.
Rumon C.
possibly Chris F

Post if you want in, or know any different...

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:35 pm
by barton bourassa
I am in for the bike ride. I'll be at the coffee shop at 6 and I do need a ride out with someone!

I was out there today, camping overnight at China. The 47K point (95 K race distance) is just past Sombrio. There are some pretty good hills along the way!! The road surface is pretty good. They are working on a few patches.

See you in the morning!!

Re: Monday May 24 Sooke Road Race Prep

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 5:18 pm
by sylvan
Here's a map of 92 km out and back from the school:

I think that brutal steep little pitch is just after the turnaround, where you'll see a couple of switchbacks on the map. If I recall correctly it crosses a bridge, hangs right and goes straight up. Sadly, you'll miss that, but still get to enjoy Shirley and all the grunt work out of Jordan River. :twisted: