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TTT - Volunteers

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:20 am
by Plawless
So.... Anyone out there in TSC land willing to help put on what is universally agreed to be the coolest race of the year? Sarah and Dave S are the only people who have said they would help sofar. I need to have 4-6 volunteers to marshall (basically adults who can stand by an intersection and hold a stop sign up to stop the cyclists if there is traffic wanting to get on the road). If we dont get enough marshalls I am going to have to cancel the race.

So if you have a person who can help can you post here or email me ( RIGHT AWAY? I am going to make the call on the race in 1 week so.......

Re: TTT - Volunteers

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:36 pm
by jeremy
Peter, could you give some details about it, when, where, if we are working it can we still race, etc etc

Re: TTT - Volunteers

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:09 am
by Plawless
The TTT is in Nanaimo (full details and a Race Bible are posted on the Tripleshot Homepage - Unfortunately the volunteer marshalls will not be able to race. Paradoxically unless we get 4-6 volunteers noone gets to race....

The same deal for the marshalls. They get assigned to a corner and wear a reflective vest and get a stop sign. If a car is coming and looks like its going to cause a "problem" you stop the cyclists. We NEVER do traffic control. All we really do is serve as a visual warning to cars that there is a bike race going on and offer an element of safety to the cyclist.

Its easy but it does mean you cant race.

So can I have 4-6 volunteers for June 13th from 11-2 just south of Nanaimo? Again if you have family they can come marshall. It is a fun event to be a part of and pretty exciting to be at a corner as teams of 4 go flying past!

Re: TTT - Volunteers

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:51 am
by mlawless
Okay, so this is where I post about the TTT. I will happily marshall if required to ensure the race goes.